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-A lot of blood directly from the analysis laboratory for the most beautiful vampire of all.

-Minhyuk, don't start. You don't let my fangs out even a little. They come out more with my assistant Taehyung.

-Nayeon, I've been hitting on you for two hundred and ninety-nine years.

-And it's also two hundred and ninety-nine that I've rejected you.

-But why don't we try?

-Because you are younger than me and I don't like younger vampires. Now disappear.

Be careful, she said vampires.

-But how can I disappear if your power is seduction?- he asked her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist.

-My power is teleportation and if you don't want to find yourself pulverizing under the Hawaiian sun, you better disappear immediately.

Minhyuk let go of her and sighed. -At least this time she let me hug her.- he celebrated as she left Nayeon's office.

-Miss, I have a question.- Taehyung said. -Why are you still single? I mean... You are a certain age.



-Shut up.

-I am sorry.

Nayeon sighed. -I wasn't always single but all my exes are dead.

-It means-

-That my exes were human, yes. Now don't waste time gossiping and let other customers in.

-I wish you a dark day, you really are as beautiful as they say.

-Don't be too flattering and tell me why you are here.

-I have to take a trip to Iceland to visit my mother who, poor human, is very sick. Here, I have the government's authorization.

Taehyung took the authorization in his hand and nodded.

-Come, hold my hand.

-With pleasure.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. Sometimes her customers were unbearable. She took her client to Iceland, then returned to her office.


-What job does Tzuyu do?- Jeongyeon asked Dahyun curiously.

-No, she doesn't work in any nightclub. She would like it. She currently works here as a sales assistant. I don't do anything and, before you ask, yes, Mina is rich, indeed, I stand corrected, her family is. But you don't care what we do, right? She works in a travel agency.


-Don't be a fool, I don't even need to read your mind.

-And is she-

-Single? For at least forty years.

-Forty!? How old is she!?

Dahyun bit her lower lip. -No, no, not forty, fourteen.

-Ah... And-

-Do not even think about it. Tzuyu and I are not girlfriends. How did that come to your mind!?

-How do you do!? How do you know exactly what I'm about to tell you!? You scare me.

-It happens often. I don't know... I have like a sixth sense.

-But stop it, it scares me.

-As you like. You're a coward. So, before I read the answer, are you taken?

-No, my ex left me and had an abortion. She was younger than me and she had to finish her studies.

-Out of curiosity, what blood type do you have?

-Mh... Zero.

-My favorite. Tell me it's negative.

-I don't remember at the moment. Why do you care so much?

-Have you ever heard that there are characteristics based on blood type?

-What time does Jihyo usually come back?

Dahyun seemed to think about it. The girl didn't even sleep, but she still had the right to her hours of rest. -At eleven.

-At eleven at night!? And she leaves the house at eight! Isn't that exploitation?

-Maybe at your place. Anyway, what do you usually eat? I think you'll have to cook yourself because I follow a... Special diet.

Jeongyeon wasn't all that curious to try that strange and disturbing girl's cooking. She was pale, very pale, she said that she liked blood, that she ate particular things, she knew whatever she was going to say. She didn't like her very much, better to keep away from her. Tzuyu was strange, but mostly perverted, nothing abnormal all things considered. One she didn't have clear ideas about was Mina, a very mysterious girl. Chaeyoung enjoyed poisoning people with her strange concoctions. Sana was very affectionate and was a real mystery; she was saying nonsensical things out of nowhere and she really didn't understand her. Momo only opened her mouth to eat. Then there was her... The girl who slept in a sarcophagus. All very beautiful but crazy and strange. But if they were friends with her cousin Jihyo who was one of the most rational and intelligent people she knew, then she had to trust her.

-How rude.- Dahyun whispered after reading all the thoughts that Jeongyeon had made about her and the others.


Tzuyu entered her with two tanned girls and two beautiful necks. As soon as she saw her, Dahyun shook her head.

-Wait until Nayeon, the countess and Jihyo know.

-The only one I should worry about is that sexy BigFoot because she's my guardian, but you won't tell her that.

-Oh no?

-Or do you want me to ask Momo to hypnotize you?

Luckily one of the most innocent vampires had one of the most dangerous powers. She only used it when they prevented her from eating some sweets or something like that.

-Girls.- Tzuyu said returning to them. -Let's go to my room.

Jeongyeon came out of her room with a yogurt in her hand and saw Tzuyu lock herself in her room with two girls.

-Wow... Of course she has charisma. Even two.- she commented.

-You have to get used to it, just as you have to get used to Sana who also hits on plants if they are female, Mina who makes jealous scenes when Chaeyoung is with Somi because she claims that Chae is her best friend and doesn't want to share her. And also to Nayeon with some vam... Random idiot on the weekend.

-Wait. So in the bed where I sleep-

-It wasn't just you. It hasn't been changed for centuries.- Literally.

-Because... She is kind and she hosts these men.

-If by kind you mean that she gives it to everyone.- Apparently Tzuyu could interrupt the evening with her friends if it meant badmouthing Nayeon. -Then yes, she really is a sweetheart of a girl.

Dahyun rolled her eyes. -It's something that rarely happens, but you know, after years of inactivity, at least every five years she feels like taking someone home.

-Except Minhyuk. The poor idiot has been trying for ages.- Literally once again. -I'm going back to my girls.

-And I'm waiting for mine to arrive.

-Are you taken?- Jeongyeon asked Dahyun.

-A thing like that. Let's say my girlfriend and I are together to make some people jealous.- Then she was human! -Hey! I heard you!

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