Together forever

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Nayeon found herself back at the party, where Sana, Tzuyu, and Dahyun were talking to each other.

-I loved you! But now I don't know how I feel about you, Tzuyu!

-How can you not know?

Sana looked at Dahyun, then looked down. -I don't know.

-Girls, have you seen Jeongyeon?

-She's with Jessi who's trying to bite her.- Tzuyu replied as if it were nothing. -Sana, can you explain to me what's happening?

Nayeon went to the door that led to the corridor and found herself facing five rooms. She was lucky she could teleport, because she was sure Jessi had locked them. She tried the first three but in vain. It was the fourth time she found Jeongyeon on the bed.

-What did you do to her!?

-Calm down, I haven't bitten her yet. I put her to sleep before I did.

-There are a thousand humans, why her?

-Because she's pretty.

-Like your other exes? And then? What happened to them?

-Let me have fun.

-I know a pretty, single girl.

-Is she human?

-She is a vampire. But she has a human cousin, that I know of.

-How pretty?

Nayeon searched vampisocial and showed her Jennie's photos.

-And the cousin?

-She should be such a Lisa. I think it's this one.

Jessica looked first at Jeongyeon, then at Lisa.

-Okay, let me have Lisa and I'll give you Jeongyeon, since you care so much.

-I'll teleport you to Jennie's house.

Jessica gave Nayeon her hand to be teleported to Jennie's house but, small change of plans, Nayeon took her to the Gobi Desert.

-Have fun, hope you can find a fan.

-Nayeon! I'll die!- Jessica exclaimed.

-Then begin to fly towards a cold place.

-Are you crazy!?

-You bit a lot of innocent victims, that's what you deserve, sorceress.

Nayeon teleported back to where Jeongyeon was and watched her. She could have bitten her, but she didn't want her to be unconscious.

-Jeongyeon... Jeongyeon... Are you alive?

The girl moved a little and opened her eyes. -Nayeon?

-Jeong, I love you.

-Are you sure?

Nayeon nodded. -Where is your daughter?

-Oh... You know...

-Let's go get her.

-Let's go get her

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