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-How comes to Mina's mind to celebrate her!? And Jeongyeon? "All for you". And Tzuyu who kept staring at her? Have they all gone crazy!? All we need is for Minhyuk to stop courting me for her. Tsk. Who does she think she is? How is it possible that she is so popular? She wasn't even Dracula's daug- What if she was!? Thinking about it... Dracula has always been a butterfly. What if Jennie is Mina's half-sister? Oh Dracula! You are a genius Nayeon! I absolutely have to investigate. Because all this is impossible. I am the only non-noble vampire to exercise this power over vampires.

She went to take another cold blood bath because she really needed it. Once out, she put on her pajamas, which almost looked like lingerie, and went to her room to rest. Unlike the others, she had a job and healthy principles.

-Oh my Dracula!- Nayeon exclaimed when she entered the room. -Here I'm the vampire and you are the one to scare me.

-Sorry but... You seemed strange and I wanted to come and check on you.

-How do you want me to be? Suddenly all the attention is on her who did nothing to deserve it! If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be a vampire. I mean, if it weren't for Mina.

-Mina seems to be very fond of Jennie.

-It's normal, she's a victim of hers. Wait, you left the party dedicated to your friend to come and see how I'm doing?- she ​​asked, crossing her arms over her chest, making her breasts stand out.

-Nice... Pajamas. It's pajamas, right? You... You don't have a date, right?

-I might have but I'm not in the mood.

-So will you go to sleep?

-Vampires don't sleep but, yes, I will rest.

-Then good night...

Nayeon entered her sarcophagus and locked herself inside her, while Jeongyeon put on her pajamas and got into bed next to her.

Nayeon entered her sarcophagus and locked herself inside her, while Jeongyeon put on her pajamas and got into bed next to her

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-It's just... That... You're always mean to me. Do you hate me that much?

-No Sana, I don't hate you, but enough vampi sprites.

-But... Why do you always look at everyone, even Jihyo, Mina, sometimes Nayeon, but never me?

-Sana, you are with Dahyun.

The Japanese girl lowered her gaze. -I can't even cry. Sometimes I hate this life.

-Look, I'm going to call your girlfriend now, okay?

-But Tzuyu...

-Tzuyu is right.- Momo said when the Taiwanese girl had left. -Stay with Dahyun.

-Momo, but... I...

-We all know that you like Tzuyu. But that doesn't mean that you don't have a girlfriend you love anyway, right?


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