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-Today is such a beautiful day!- Nayeon exclaimed.

-It's sunny, idiot.- commented Tzuyu.

-Even the Sun is beautiful. And how beautiful you are too, Tzuyu.

-That's the Dicky effect, I tell you!

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Partly.- She sat down and poured herself some plasma. -Yesterday Jeongyeon told me that she wants to spend all eternity with me and that she doesn't like Jennie.

-Did you have doubts?

Nayeon shook her head. -But that is not all. She opened up to me, even if only a little, and she confessed things about her past to me.

-Things that clearly I cannot know.

-No, unless she tells you.

-You seem like a stupid human in love.

Nayeon glared at her. -And tomorrow she will start working for Chaeyoung.

-Who will start working for Chaeyoung?- Mina asked appearing on the edge of the door.

-A very sexy and curvy girl I have vo-

-Jeongyeon.- Nayeon immediately interrupted her.

-Jeongyeon? So there are two of us who are in a good mood.

-Three. Jeongyeon doesn't like Jennie. I have the green light.

-Ah! Did you know?- Mina asked. -Apparently Dahyun left Sana.

-Dahyun what?- Nayeon asked.

-It seems that she was using her to make Momo jealous. And poor Sana sobbed all night.

In reality, things hadn't really gone that way: Sana had told Dahyun that they could break up and hurry up with Momo and the other had accepted after Sana had told her for the twentieth time. Sana had been sobbing all night for Tzuyu, who didn't pay attention to her and even wanted to invite Jennie out for dinner. Mina had only reported what Dahyun had told her. The girl had made herself look like the bad guy in the situation just to help her friend with Tzuyu.

-It was obvious that it wouldn't last.- said Tzuyu, standing up. -I'm going to see Jennie. See you.

-So... You and Jeongyeon, huh?

-Instead of thinking about my relationships, think about your non-relationships.

-How sour you are. Yet it seemed that you were bursting with joy. And what are you referring to?

-The fact that you keep Chaeyoung segregated at home, you got her secretary fired, you shocked Somi but you refuse to tell her that you love her.

-She is a common vampire.

-So? Jeongyeon is also an ordinary human.

-It's an important decision. Marriage is forever, Nayeon. Not like yours. It's time you really start thinking about it. If you want to be with Jeongyeon, you have to bite her, and if you bite her, you have to spend eternity together. Is this really what you want?

-Yes, I'll think about it, but you've known Chae for almost two hundred years. Were they not enough for you to reflect?

-No, they weren't enough for me. It is a decision that must be made calmly.

-But I don't have all that time.

-Exactly. She is already thirty years old. You have about ten years to bite her and not marry a little old lady.

-I know. I don't intend to wait that long. We'll see how it will go between us and then... I'll... Bite her.


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