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-Nayeon, you, her and Dicky will do great things, my friend.- Tzuyu said as her friend was changing.

-Who is Dicky?

-Her member.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Tzu, I am strictly forbidden to get close to Jeongyeon.

-They didn't say anything to me.- She shrugged.

-But stay away anyway. If I can't get closer, you can't either.

-Anyway... Wasn't she strange? Did you see her? Suddenly she acts shy.

-Dahyun said it was her first time trying to flirt and she wasn't doing it well either. And then... I don't even like innocent people. Only one of my exes was like that, the first one, by the way.

Oops. It seems like Dahyun tried to sabotage Jeongyeon.

-True, honestly I prefer people who take the initiative but for Dicky I will make an exception.- stated the Taiwanese.

-But... I must admit that she is pretty.

-No, Nay, I don't recognize you anymore. I've known you for ten years and you've never looked at anyone.

-I know but she...

-It's Dicky. Dicky attracts, right?

Nayeon shook her head. -Maybe I like the forbidden.- she said, biting her lower lip. -Or maybe it's her humanity... Or that she's so pretty and it makes me want to protect her.

-Bleah.- commented the Taiwanese.

-Jeongyeon!- Sana exclaimed.

-Sana don't be rude!- Tzuyu shouted coming out of Nayeon's room. -Say hello to Dicky.

-Dicky?- asked the Japanese girl looking around. -Is it a friend of yours who becomes invisible?

-Believe me, that is very visible, especially when Nayeon is around.


-Wait until I show you.

Tzuyu without any shame lifted her black tank top, revealing her breasts for which she had to ask Mina for a large loan. Jeongyeon blushed and turned away, while Sana giggled but at the same time contemplated the perfect breasts of the youngest.

-Tzuyu! Stop harassing Jeongyeon!- Mina shouted from the bathroom.

-I don't harass Jeongyeon! I'm harassing Dicky!

-Can you leave her alone?-Nayeon asked coming out of her room. -Come, if you need our room to... Solve your problems...


Nayeon rolled her eyes. -I'll wait in the living room.

-Or maybe come and lend a hand so she can solve them right away.- commented Tzuyu.

-Or maybe she needs reinforcements because it's really very big.- Sana stated.

-And you didn't see it when uncovered!

-Enough about Jeongyeon's organs!- Nayeon shouted. -Now disappear!- She then turned to the girl. -Don't think about them, okay? Not all of us vampires are like that. Anyway I talked to Jihyo.- And what a chat. A long chat. -And she told me that you seem changed. She says you have always been a kind and innocent girl. What happened?

Jeongyeon sighed, trying to momentarily ignore her problem. -When my ex left me because I got her pregnant... I started dating a girl who asked me for money in exchange for advice and... Well... Other favors. She told me that I'm too boring, that no one will ever like me, that if my ex was with me it's only because I had... A penis. And she told me how much she loved confident people. At first it was hard for me to go from being the way I was to a playgirl, but she encouraged me to do it and she told me it turned her on. She then introduced me to some of her friends and it worked with them. It was a character that I liked a lot. But now... In this house... I realize how annoying Tzuyu can be sometimes and I don't want to be like that.

-Well... Yes, you are.

-I don't like it.- she said shaking her head. -I'm not like that. But... Girls don't usually like me. Most of the ones I've met want to be protected, not take care of someone else.

-Guess what'? I am over fifteen hundred years old, although I still have the appearance and mentality of a twenty-eight year old, and I really like taking care of younger people. Like me, you will find other girls who will enjoy doing it. Now... Go to your room, I'm going to scold Tzuyu who will surely be making more comments about you. Just... Ignore her. I know it's a little embarrassing but she won't stop. She's been commenting on my tits and ass ever since we met. Try to get used to it.

How is it possible to be a dark soul but at the same time so kind and caring? Jeongyeon had a big problem to solve, a huge one, as Tzuyu said, but she was also afraid of what could happen to her by being among those vampires. Why did humans who fell in love with them die? She had no intention of dying, nor of falling in love with a vampire, but she had to admit that Nayeon was very pretty and, for some strange reason, while she was cold and retained her vampire character, she was different with her, she seemed to want to protect her. Nayeon had already failed six times, she wanted to protect at least this other human she had met with. She never spoke to humans, so when she did she immediately felt a protective instinct. She had felt the same about Somi too, but she hadn't been able to do anything against Mina's fatal wrath.

-Tzuyu.- Nayeon called her as she entered her living room. -Can you avoid making certain comments in front of Jeongyeon? They embarrass her.

-The truth is that Tzuyu hasn't seen a dick in so long that even an average one shocks her.- Mina said entering the room.

-Did you see it!?- the Taiwanese asked enthusiastically.

-I've seen bigger ones.

-Stop talking about it!- Nayeon shouted.

-Greedy. Do you want to keep it all to yourself?

-No Tzu.

-The truth is that Tzuyu sleeps with so many girls that guys are convinced she's a lesbian when she's actually bisexual and everyone ignores her.- Dahyun said. -And no, I don't owe you any money for just revealing your secret.

-Tzuyu ignored?- Mina asked laughing.

-Idiot. At least my bed is full at night, not like your cold, narrow coffins.

-I am comfortable in my double coffin with air conditioning and heating.- Mina stated.

-Things for rich people.- Dahyun commented.

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