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They found themselves in a dark house, lit by a few candles, where a group of girls danced to the rhythm of the music coming out of the speakers.

-This is a party.- Tzuyu shouted to be heard by her friends.

-But I wonder if it's the right kind of party for Sana.- Dahyun commented.

-Apparently yes.- Nayeon said with her arms crossed over her chest, observing the newly named girl dancing with another girl of Jamaican origins.

-And she's even sexy.- Tzuyu commented referring to the girl who danced with Sana.

-Look who's here...

Nayeon turned and smiled falsely. -Jessi.

-Nayeon, honey, how long has it been?

-It must be a couple of centuries. A friend of mine is at your party, I accompanied her two girlfriends here.

-Who is your friend?- Nayeon pointed at her. -Ah, she's dancing with Natalie. Your friend is lucky. What have you done in the last two centuries? I know you have a travel agency.

-It's like this. You?

Jessi shrugged. -I like to be served. I bit here and there.

-You always liked it. Already have a new victim?

-For about a year. Then the poor thing disappeared and she didn't even know I was a vampire. She is there.

Nayeon followed Jessi's index finger and found it pointing at Jeongyeon, who was drinking a bloody Mary. Their eyes met and the human immediately walked towards them.

-What are you doing here?

-You know each other.- Jessi said smiling, taking her cocktail from Jeongyeon's hands.


-I'm her ex.- Nayeon replied.

-Damn, you've sunk low. You always liked humans, but at least they had money.

Jeongyeon frowned. -I take that she's not bothering you.

-No, Nay and I have been friends our whole lives.

-I should have imagined it.- Jeongyeon said to herself.

Nayeon laughed uproariously. -And so you would have changed? You still get treated like a doormat by Jessi.

-What are you doing here? Did you follow me?

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -You would like it. I came to accompany Tzuyu and Dahyun to retrieve Sana.

-Just Tzuyu and Dahyun... They will hurt her.

-And what's your concern, Jeong?- Jessica asked her.

-Sana is my friend, I care about her.

-You see, people don't change.- Nayeon told her with a satisfied smile.

-And yes, you helped your friends, right?- Jeongyeon retorted, and then went towards Sana.

-Your ex, huh? Leave her to me. She will soon be my girlfriend.

Nayeon turned to Jessi. -Don't you dare bite her.

-Why? Don't tell me you like that banal human. Nay, you deserve better.

-This is true. But she is my victim.

-For bearing you as a girlfriend, she is definitely a victim.

-She had some sort of affair with you too, poor thing.

-Yet she came right back to me.

-After I left her.

Jessica smiled and walked over to the computer, stopping the music.

-Girls! I want to introduce you to a long-time friend of mine. Nay, come here, don't be shy, you've never been timid, not even when you were banging King Charles.

Tzuyu and Dahyun looked at the girl with concern.

-What's happening?- Sana asked.

-Nay and I have a lot in common, even the ex. Or should I say victim? Because Jeongyeon was just a victim to you, right? An experiment. She would be your first victim.

All the vampires present there began to whisper among themselves.

-She's over a thousand years old and she has never bitten.

Nayeon clenched her fists, unable to do anything. The only rational solution left to her was to go on stage and drive a stake through her heart.

-Is Jessica a vampire too?- Jeongyeon asked surprised.

-Nay is a nice person!- exclaimed Sana. -But her heart is covered in darkness now. And it's Dracula's daughter's fault.

-Mina?- Dahyun asked confused.

-Nayeon's father wanted her away from Jeongyeon, so Mina performed one of her spells on both of them.

-Why didn't you tell us?- Dahyun asked.

-Because I discovered it by accident... I wasn't supposed to know.

-Think! Nayeon is so weak that she is subject to a spell!- Jessica exclaimed, then laughing with her friends.

-If what Sana says is true, even though I hate you right now, I know there was something between us.

-I have to talk to Mina.- Nayeon said, teleporting away.

-There, she's gone. Jeongyeon, stay with me.- Jessica told her.

-No, Jeong, let's go.- Sana told her.

-Jeong, stay.

-I have to stay.

Dahyun's eyes widened. -It's Jessica's power! It's under her control!

-Yes, it's true, but your father is right: she is human, she will die and you will suffer

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-Yes, it's true, but your father is right: she is human, she will die and you will suffer.

-Mina, I want you to remove the spell on me immediately.

-Honey, if you did that you would go back to Jeongyeon, who also has a daughter with another.


-Do you seriously want to raise someone else's daughter? And then what do you think will happen when her ex comes back? Jeongyeon still loves her.

Nayeon shook her head. -I am capable of making my own decisions. Break the spell.

-As you like.

All it took was a snap of the fingers for the spell to vanish.

-Now excuse me, but I have a human to bite.

When she teleported, Momo and Jihyo came out of their hiding place.

-What an idiot, she didn't even realize that the spell was broken the moment she realized she was under the effect of your curse.- Jihyo commented.

-At least she decided to bite her.- Mina said.

-Some people need a push.- Momo said. -But weren't we a little too much?

-Nah.- Mina and Jihyo said together.

just a plot twist after a plot twist
sometimes it feels like it doesn't make sense

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