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-I mean, I'm much more beautiful than that one, right?

-Um no.

-Absolutely not.


-You see Nay, she has a certain color.- Sana explained.

-And curves that-

-I have curves too, Tzu!

-And humans are hot.- Dahyun explained.

-You should know it, all your husbands are human.- the Taiwanese told her.

-They were men, it's different.

-Gender discrimination.- Tzuyu commented.

Nayeon rolled her eyes.

-Do you know why Jeongyeon went to take a shower?- Dahyun asked.

-Because humans wash often?

-You don't even need to read minds for that.- said Tzuyu. -Dicky can be seen a mile away.

-And I don't think it was for you.- Dahyun said.

-So... Do you like a banal human? Weren't us vampires the attracting? Weren't us trendy? Didn't they make every movie about us?

-Where do you live? They're out of fashion now.- the youngest of the group informed her.

Nayeon left in indignation. She being out of fashion? Never. But if Jeongyeon liked that girl so much because she was human, what would have happened if she had become a vampire? Suddenly a grin formed on her lips. A person who owed her some favor came to her mind and she immediately teleported to the bar in the vampire world, finding her at her counter talking to an old friend of hers.


-Nay, what are you doing here?

-I have to talk to you, I have to ask you a favor.

-I'm reading your mind and I don't like it at all.

-I'll leave you alone. See you later Mina.- said the vampire.

-Mina, how many favors do you owe me?

-More than your years of life.

-Exactly! You can return them all in one. Come on, her name is Jennie, I can get the address and you go and bite her.

-And why should I... Of course, because Jeongyeon likes her. What did we say?

-No, no, no! Everyone is saying that she is more beautiful than you and me.

-What!?- she screamed, dramatically rising from her stool.

-Even Chaeyoung thinks so.

-Get me some canine lubricant.

Nayeon smiled. -Very good. Then I'll go get the address.

-No need, I can make Jeongyeon confess with hypnosis or your father's power. Instead, why don't you bite her since it's mostly your problem?

Nayeon looked down. -You know that...- she whispered.

-You've never bitten. Come on, you can say it. It hasn't been taboo for at least fifty years.

-Yes but... I don't like it being known around. And then everyone is convinced that I bit Joan of Arc.

-But you didn't, I know. So, try to relax, Mina goes and comes back.

 So, try to relax, Mina goes and comes back

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