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New day, new problems. And this one had a first and last name.

-Yo Nay.

-What do you want, Tzuyu?

-It's a beautiful day, there's a storm outside, why don't we go for a sprint.

-You're unconscious. I told you a thousand times not to fly in blizzards, it's dangerous!

-Anyway, I have a fantastic theory!-she exclaimed, sitting on the edge of her friend's vampibed. -You know when the human suddenly starts flirting? I think she's not the one talking.- Nayeon looked at her confused. -Think about it... Hoarse and deep voice, dirty words... Would you ever attribute them to that pretty face? There is only one solution: it must be Dicky.

Nayeon rolled her eyes and threw a pillow at her.

-Hard, just the way you like it.

-Or you.- the Taiwanese said with a grin. -Anyway, today is Saturday and we don't work, would you like to-

-I cannot. I have four dates.

-Look, we understand that you are beautiful and everyone is dying for you, not literally, but now give it a rest and think about your friends too.

-You know what Tzu? You and Mina made me remember who I really am and I'm enjoying this life.

-Of course and I'm straight. It's true that you like this life but it's also true that if you're seeing all those vampires it's to forget a useless human. And don't say no because Mina has read your thoughts.

-Even if it were? I also did it sixty years ago and it worked, in fact, I even met my husband.

-A prestigious doctor or what was he?

-Now excuse me but I have to get ready.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. Jeongyeon was also kicked out because Nayeon had to get ready.

-This is abuse of power.- said the Taiwanese. -You should rebel. Actually... You know what? I love this Nayeon, but I preferred the one that gave me attention, I hate being ignored. Even I put sexy vampire dates on hold for my friends. I need you, but this must remain between you and me. If Mina and Jihyo find out...

-No, I don't know what it is but I'm afraid of my cousin and much more of Mina.

-Don't worry, nothing you haven't already done. I just want you to drive Nayeon so crazy that she realizes that hanging out with ten different vampires a night isn't going to do her any good.

-I don't know, Tzuyu- The girl stuck out her fangs and looked at her with her red eyes. -Okay! Yes! All right!

-And don't worry, it's impossible for you to die: she would never fall in love with you, she falls in love with money.

-And what should I do?

Nayeon would have gladly looked at herself in the mirror if only she could reflect

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Nayeon would have gladly looked at herself in the mirror if only she could reflect. She took her vampi cell phone and looked at it.

-You are very beautiful.

A hoarse voice belonging to a person leaning against the door with her arms crossed over her chest had surprised her. The girl turned her head to the side and saw the only human in the house.

-What's up? What are you looking at?- she ​​asked her frowning.

-Only the sexiest vampire of all.

-Didn't we say enough with this Jeongyeon?

-And what do you know that I haven't always been like this? Maybe the shy me was just a mask and this is my true calling.

It wasn't true, Nayeon had known her since she was little, she knew very well that Jeongyeon had always been an innocent girl and had such conservative parents that she had discovered how to have children at the age of twelve. This couldn't be the same Jeongyeon she babysat. Or was it? And if it was her, why had she become even more interesting?

-Have you stopped looking at me? There are other people who would like to do it.

Jeongyeon moved away from the door and walked slowly next to the vampire, who continued to look at her with that expression as cold as her essence. I'm not talking about a soul because she didn't have one.

Jeongyeon wrapped her arms around the girl's waist and breathed against her white neck. -I cannot stop missing you.

Nayeon kept her eyes closed, which always happened when Jeongyeon was close, too close, and she turned on that conqueror mode. In a blink and open of her eyes, Jeongyeon found herself embracing the air.

-Congratulations, you made her teleport. I have not become sensitive but I have returned visible.- Tzuyu reappeared and observed the human for a few seconds. -But with a little effort we will convince her...

-Tzuyu... I don't like doing this to Nayeon. Because if she were to delude herself then-

Tzuyu's loud laughter abruptly interrupted the faint voice of the once again sweet and innocent Jeongyeon. -Delude? At most it's the opposite. Do you understand who you are talking about? You.- The human signaled. -Make her delude? Please. Nayeon has had lines of vampires behind her for centuries, in particular one, a vampiclown, Minhyuk. And she's been rejecting him for ages even though he's a thousand times better than you. Many times she has happened to really like someone physically just like it seems to be happening with you, but it's a one night thing, so you and Dicky better get it in your heads. There is and will be nothing between you and Nayeon. At most one night, like she did with the employee before her last husband. After being with him, her desire for him waned. The only ones she has ever loved are only six in more than fifteen hundred years. Do you think you could be the seventh? I'll give you some news: they were only men and they were important men, not ordinary mortals like you. But... Don't let anyone say I'm bad.- After a motivational speech like that? Even though Jeongyeon didn't like Nayeon in that sense, but only physically, hearing that she wasn't enough certainly didn't make her happy. -And since I'm not as b*tchy as I seem, okay, I'll go to bed with you. I will sacrifice myself. So, is Dicky on top or bottom?

Jeongyeon shook her head. -I don't go to bed with the first one who comes by.

-So not even with Nayeon?

Jeongyeon seemed to think about it. Even though her desire was great, she had sound principles. She had only slept with two girls: the ex she had gotten pregnant and her first love. She had dated three in total but with the other she had never gone further because she understood that there were no feelings between them.

-Not even with her. I don't have sex, Tzuyu, I make love.

-It. Sucks.

I have plans for one of the next books, it will be a sort of experiment

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