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-It is huge! It's colossal! It's... It's... In my entire life I had never seen something like that.- Tzuyu explained in ecstasy.

-What are you talking about?- Jihyo asked entering the kitchen.

-About your cousin's little secret.- Sana explained.

-Little!? It's gigantic!

-Tzuyu! I understand what you're talking about! How disgusting! And how did you see it?- Jihyo asked.

The Taiwanese smirked. -Let's say this girl is no longer a vampire without powers.

-You have discovered your power and it involves seeing penises!?- Sana shouted excitedly.

-No... But it would be interesting. It's invisibility.

-And how did you find out?- Jihyo asked curiously, pouring herself some positive B.

-Let's say that my teacher gave me some formulas to try with this power, after the three hundred and ninety-eight previous attempts.

-And what is your formula?- asked the curious Japanese woman next to her.

-Maybe another time.

-No! I want to know it!

Tzuyu sighed. -All right... Make this insensible become invisible.

-Oh Dracula! She's disappeared! Jihyo! She disappeared!

Jihyo left to go get ready, she had a lot of work to do at the vampire embassy in the human world.

-And how do you reappear?

-Don't tell Nayeon. I have not become sensible but I have returned visible.

A loud laugh could be heard coming from the corridor. Nayeon, Mina and Chaeyoung couldn't help themselves.

-I already knew it.- Dahyun said indifferently as she entered the kitchen.

-You have to stop reading our thoughts.- said Tzuyu.

-Dahyun! Read mine!- Sana said excitedly.

Dahyun smirked. -No, you, darling.- She then looked towards Tzuyu and her eyes widened. -Tzuyu! How disgusting!

-What is this depraved woman thinking about?- the countess asked as she entered.

-About a... About a... Male organ.

-For mother Sappho!- Sana exclaimed. -Straight things are strictly prohibited in this house.

-But it's not straight. Nayeon knows this. Right Nayeon?

-Me? What do I know?

-How big is Jeongyeon's dick.

-What!?- Chaeyoung exclaimed. -Oh Dracula! I love hermaphrodites!

-And why do you love them?- asked Tzuyu.

-It's like having two in one. Are you bisexual and don't know who to choose? Here's the solution!

Nayeon and Mina rolled their eyes.

-I don't know anything about it.- Nayeon said. -This idiot went to spy on her in the bathroom instead of helping me take off my dress.

-I would rather see her undressing than an old woman over fifteen hundred years old.

-But she doesn't show them.- Sana stated.

-And you know it! She put it against your butt when you said you like sleeping on hard things.

Chaeyoung spat out the A negative.

-The coffins, Chaeyoung, the coffins!- Mina scolded her. -And wasn't Dahyun enough, now you too mind other people's business?- she ​​asked Tzuyu.

-Good morning.- Jeongyeon said entering the kitchen already dressed.

-Good morning, how are you two?- asked Tzuyu.

-Are you two?- Jeongyeon asked, raising an eyebrow.

-You and the- Mina put a cookie in her mouth.

-I have to go to work. I have a huge tattoo to do.- Chaeyoung said waving to everyone.

-"Huge". You don't know what this word means.- Tzuyu insisted. -Does he have a proper name? Maybe even his own children.

-Who?- Jeongyeon asked even more confused as she was the recipient of these questions.

-Your member.- she replied without any shame.

Jeongyeon looked towards Nayeon, it was obvious that she was the one who told people, maybe she even mocked her.

-Jihyo told us.- Dahyun abruptly interrupted her thoughts.

-No, he doesn't have a name.- she replied as if that were really a serious question.

-Why did they kick you out of the house?- Dahyun asked. -Don't tell me! Because you got someone pregnant!


-Intuition. They must be traditionalists. What? They wanted you to have surgery but you opposed it?

-Jihyo, Jihyo told us everything.- Mina intervened.

-I'm not ashamed of my body.

-And you do well. You have to be satisfied with it. I would give millions to be impregnated by this being down here.- the Taiwanese told her.

-Tzuyu, leave her alone.- Nayeon said knowing her friend.

-Do you have a job?- Mina asked her.

-I'm a babysitter, I don't have a real job yet.

-Yet you are twenty-eight years old, they kicked you out of the old man because you had a relationship with your boss and then you left her.- Dahyun stated.

-Okay, she's starting to frighten me.

-Don't bring the kids here and everything will be fine. I'm allergic to those small human forms.- Tzuyu explained.

-Do you know that you have a really nice neck?- Sana asked her.

-And a beautiful member too. Not that I saw it, but you are invited to my bed tonight.- the Taiwanese pervert told her.

The fact that they were vampires was the most normal part of the story.

-No, thanks, I'm fine in Nayeon's room, even if she sleeps in a coffin. Usually girls drive me crazy, but here I think she's the crazy one.

-You are officially my best friend.- Tzuyu said after hearing that joke. -Him too, let's be clear.- she said, pointing to Jeongyeon's inner thigh.

-Definitely not crazy for you.- Nayeon stated, getting up from the table to go to work in her world.

-But I am for her.- Jeongyeon said licking her lips.

-And I see it, you have remarkable natural reactions when she's around.- said Tzuyu continuing to look where she shouldn't have.

-Usually I'm the one who drives others crazy.- Mina said, getting up.

-Be careful, Nayeon is as sexy as she is dangerous.- Sana said leaving the kitchen.

-Dangerous?- Jeongyeon asked confused.

-Not so much her as me if I find out you do something to her.- Tzuyu said.

-Ignore them. What Tzuyu really meant is "not so much her as me if I find out you do something to her and don't invite me." However, Nayeon is... Peculiar. I would stay away if I were you.

-Peculiar in what sense?

That unintuitive human was making Dahyun lose her patience. -Let's say... She bites.- And she went out too.

-What's the problem?- Jeongyeon asked. -I like being bitten.

She could compete with Tzuyu, except that one alternated moments of perversion with others of total and pure innocence, while the other... Well, the other was Tzuyu.

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