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Nayeon appeared in her salon after not showing up at home for three days. As soon as she arrived, her gaze fell on the sofa.

-What are you doing here?

Jeongyeon smiled. -Did you think you would get rid of me so easily, Im Nayeon? Did you really want another Jeongyeon? Well, now the old me is back.

-Tsk.- Nayeon laughed crossing her arms over her chest. -And you think this will be enough to come back with me?

-And who said I want to go back with you? You just helped me open my eyes: the old Jeongyeon is much more interesting, everyone says so.

-Please: old Jeongyeon? You've never been like this. And I know this for sure because, unfortunately for me, I've known you since you were a little girl.

-Well, but people can change. When was the last time you saw me, let's hear?

-You were eighteen and you weren't like that, so stop pretending to be someone you're not. I was your babysitter.

This wasn't how old Nayeon wanted to tell her. But what had happened in the space of a few days had changed everything. And this was definitely not how Jeongyeon would have wanted to meet her babysitter that she had no memory of. She had just discovered that the person she had idolized so much was actually an evil vampire, that was hurting her, but that she had loved.

Jeongyeon was silent for a few seconds following her revelation. -Right, this is your specialty, right? And I'll tell you again, Nayeon, people can change. At eighteen I didn't even know what I wanted to do in life, then I changed and this version of me is much more interesting.

-This is my house, disappear.

-No.- Jihyo said. -This is also my house and my cousin stays with us.

-Good, but don't expect me to share my room with her.

-Don't worry about this, I will share the room with Sana.- she said, getting up and going towards her new room.

-Nayeon, why are you doing this to her? I seriously thought that my cousin meant something to you, especially since you have known her for many years.

-You are wrong. People cannot change. I have always been like this and it won't be just any human who will change me.

-As you like. I hope that at least my cousin understands that what she is doing is wrong.

-Wrong? Maybe it was wrong to act as a doormat to her exes. Your cousin's getting some temper, which all you wimpy vampires should do too.

Jeongyeon opened the bedroom door and sat on her bed.

-Jeong! She's back?

-Yes, she must have run out of customers in your world and I don't mean the ones at the travel agency.

-I don't understand... You loved each other. I... I thought that she had finally found true love.

-Sana, I don't think that a person like her can find true love. She doesn't know what love is.

-Maybe because she's afraid to find out. And I can't blame her... Loving hurts.

-You should react, not cry over two girls who don't pay attention to you.

-I know... But how? I'm immortal, I've been dreaming of true love for centuries and... When I think I've found it... Tzuyu doesn't love me. Then I start to have feelings for Dahyun but she loves Momo.

-I have a friend who invited me over this evening. I think you'll find her little party quite interesting. Choose a nice dress, I'll take you with me.

It was a party, parties were always nice, right?

-Since Sana shares the room with her, she doesn't speak to me anymore

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-Since Sana shares the room with her, she doesn't speak to me anymore.

-They started sharing it a day ago.- Nayeon told her. -And what do you care? Sana is just an idiot.

-And as if that wasn't enough they also went to a party together.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Are you afraid that something might happen to her?

-We don't know who Jeongyeon's friends are. And, seeing how she has changed, I would be worried. That's why Dahyun and I are going to this friend of hers' house.

-Do you want a ride?

-Seriously? Is Im Nayeon giving us such a honor?

-You are my friends, no matter how pathetic I find stalking Sana, I will always help you.

-So your problem isn't with us.

-No, I've never had problems with people who don't betray my trust.

-But you have trouble getting romantically involved with other people other than us or your family, like your aunt's boyfriend and your stepcousin.

-So, where should I take you?

-Wait, I'll ask Dahyun for the address, she read it in Sana's mind. I only know that Jeongyeon's friend is called Jessica Ho.

Nayeon frowned. -Jessica Ho?

-Yes, do you know her?

-Go call Dahyun. Oh, and wear a nice dress, I'm sure it's a party for people of a certain level.

Tzuyu headed to Dahyun's room, while Nayeon went to her room to change. She wore a long dark purple mermaid dress. And so Jeongyeon's famous friend, the famous Jessica, turned out to be an old acquaintance of Nayeon's. But how old?

The three of them found themselves in the lounge and Nayeon teleported them to the address Dahyun had given her.

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