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-I was strictly forbidden.- Nayeon whispered against her lips.

-You were forbidden to fall in love with me, not to spend a night with me.

-Jeongyeon but... Why do you want to spend the night with me? I am different from humans. I'm so cold, I wouldn't give you the warmth of a human.

-I don't care about warmth when I can have you. I have enough heat for both.

She definitively placed her lips on the vampire's red ones and her other lips opened to leave free access to that passionate kiss. She hadn't had one like this in at least forty years. Small bites, tongues caressing each other, eyes closed and breaths mixed together: one hot, the other cold and soulless, almost like a frontogenesis could have occurred. Jeongyeon continued to caress her back, until she untied the knot that held her entire bodice on. And so the bodice fell to the floor and Nayeon was left with only her panties on. Jeongyeon's warmth spread through her body as she hugged her, holding her close to her.

-If you ask me to stop, I will close my eyes and walk away. But if you don't say anything, I will rise my body from yours and look at the most beautiful vampire that millions of people have laid their eyes on.

-But lately everyone who did it didn't have my attention because I was only thinking about a human. Jeongyeon, before I go crazy, touch me, make me yours, tell me that I'm only yours, that Jennie is worthless, that you only want me, f*ck me, with passion or with anger or with possession or violence, but do something.

Jeongyeon hugged her tighter. -Never in my life would I use violence on a woman, not even if that woman is a vampire who asked someone to bit a poor and innocent human.

Nayeon pulled away from her embrace. -Then you know.

-Mina told me. Did you think everyone liked Jennie because she was human? I'll give you a heads up: Jennie was beautiful as a human and maybe even more so as a vampire, so your plan worked in reverse. But if there's one thing I'm sure about, it's that since you existed in my life, thousands of girls, human and vampire, have passed before me, but I only had one in mind.

Nayeon, trembling, she didn't know why either, walked towards the bed and pushed Jeongyeon on top of her.

-It's been years since I've touched one of these soft beds.

Jeongyeon could finally admire the girl on top of her without any clothes on and in her pants her bulge became even more noticeable.

-Please take off my pants.

-Jeongyeon, I want you to lead everything. I want to be dominated by you.

The human then placed herself on top of Nayeon and began to kiss her neck slowly. She nibbled it, she kissed it, that white neck, that skeletal neck, that cold neck. But for the sensitivity of her lips it didn't matter at that moment. She went down to her very obvious collarbones and felt them as cold as a dead man's. It was always strange for humans and some even ran away, but Jeongyeon didn't seem like one of those. She went down to her breast and brought a nipple to her mouth, while with her hand she began to make circular movements on the fabric of the vampire's panties.

-Nay! Nayeon! You are here?

Nayeon's eyes widened. -Tzuyu.

Jeongyeon hid under the covers and prayed for her life because if Jihyo found out, she would've killed her. And she didn't dare imagine what Mina and Tzuyu would do.

-Nay!-she exclaimed as she opened the door.

Meanwhile, Jeongyeon's member was right on Nayeon's center, which was throbbing impatiently. For the vampire that situation was suffocating. Why did Tzuyu have to interrupt them at that moment?

-Tzuyu, hello. Aren't you at the party?

-I was bored. Are you... With someone?

Nayeon kept her eyes closed as Jeongyeon put a lot of pressure on her center.

-Yes, so if you don't mind-

-Who is it?


-Minhyuk!? Impossible.

-Tzuyu! Get out!

-Give me a hundred vampire money and I'll leave you alone with... Minhyuk.

-Anything you want, even my vampiphone.

-He must be really good to want to chase me away with such rush. I'll leave you alone but I want to talk about it tomorrow.

When Tzuyu was gone, Nayeon ran to close the door for fear that her friend would make herself invisible.

-Do you want to... End it here?- Jeongyeon whispered.

Nayeon laughed. -I always finish what I start. Now take off your pants and make me forget about all the men I've been with for the last fifteen hundred years.

At that moment Jeongyeon was afraid: afraid of being compared to who knows how many other men she had known in all those years. Tzuyu had told her that Nayeon had always dated men who were noble or had a certain prestige. What was she compared to them? As she formulated these thoughts and her eyebrows furrowed in fear, she took off her pajama pants, then her shirt, and touched Nayeon's cold and almost cadaverous body with hers. Chills. It was what everyone felt, and in fifteen hundred years only six humans had been able to bear it. Jeongyeon remained silent, still, as if haunted by looking at the other creature beneath her. She wasn't human and she was sensing it at that moment.

-Do I disgust you?- Nayeon asked her cautiously.

It was a normal thing, for the humans a cold and soulless creature caused disgust, real disgust, even stronger than fear.

-No, it's not that.- Jeongyeon told her, lowering her panties.

-You don't have to do this. You're not the first to have this reaction. It's normal. We belong to two different worlds. You are so hot and I am so cold.


-Exactly, icy. You are like the Sahara desert in summer and I am like Siberia in winter.

Jeongyeon closed her eyes and entered Nayeon, into her cold, icy walls, which made her tremble, but that didn't mean she pulled away.

-Don't force yourself just because you feel sorry for me. Really, it's okay, I know it's not me who disgusts you but my vampirism. My body so cold, without a soul, my sharp canines, my red eyes, my thirst for blood... You burn me too, like every human being.

-Really, it's not that. Yes, these thoughts are nagging me, I admit it, but I'm ignoring them. Even though touching you is like being naked on an iceberg, I'm enjoying it. And, even if touching me is like burning in the flames of Hell, I want you to like it.

-Burning in the flames of Hell sounds interesting.- Nayeon whispered.

I have to make poetic even the scenes for which you are reading the book
I know some of you have read "mature" and added it to your library

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