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When the two were alone in the living room, Nayeon sat on the sofa.

-Know that I still haven't forgiven you.

-I can live without your forgiveness but not without knowing this story.

-Thanks, huh.

-I still have to forgive you since that time you broke my dress with your big ass.

Nayeon opened her mouth. -How dare you!? It was already broke!

-I haven't forgiven you yet. So we're even.

-No! There's a big difference between what you did and what I did.

-The dress belonged to Mina's mother. It was a dress from the fifteenth century. I had to take the blame for you.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Whatever, we're even. So... Jeongyeon's parents asked Jihyo to babysit her but she had to work, so she asked me. My agency closes in the afternoon, so I had time to teleport to her school and then take her to her house. She was convinced I was a normal nineteen-year-old human.

-How did you manage to lower your age so much? You weren't that young even when you were bitten.

-Tsk. As I was saying... I used to babysit her, until one day her parents told me there was no need anymore because Jeongyeon was old enough. We didn't see each other for two years, then, when she was fifteen, we met again. She was very happy and she invited me to her house. Since then, we saw each other every Saturday evening.

-Explain to me this obsession of yours with making fourteen-year-olds your friends. It won't make you younger to have young friends. I should suggest to my aunt to sell you to an antique shop.

-Do you want to hear the story or not!? And no one is obsessed with having young friends. In my day, girls my age, that is the age I was bitten at, behaved on average like those who are currently between twelve and sixteen.


She rolled her eyes. -As I was saying... We were friends and, when it came to leaving Jeongyeon alone for several days, Mr. and Mrs. Yoo relied on me. It was like I was still partly babysitting her, even though she was fifteen, but that was fine with her. Then one day I realized that she was no longer a child. She had to go to a party and had put on a dress. And... She had such perfect curves.

-Brake, brake, brake! How old was she?


-Thank badness!

-Her parents are conservative, like her grandparents, she started wearing clothes from that age.

-You're still a pedophile, she's literally a baby compared to you.

-Anyway... I noticed that she had really grown up. And from then on I looked at her with different eyes. And she... She once told me that I was beautiful and I couldn't resist anymore and kissed her.

-When the little girl was eighteen.

-But my canines came out. She got scared and moved away from me. I was in crisis and I couldn't even cry, because we don't have tears. She didn't want to see me, she said I was crazy, a terrible creature. I immediately asked Mina for help and she got me a potion to make her forget about me. And so it was. Actually Jihyo doesn't know that I liked her... I never told her. All she knows is that Jeongyeon found out I was a vampire because she scraped her knee and my fangs came out at the sight of her blood.

-And isn't it strange that now Jeongyeon is excited about the idea that we are vampires? What if she's actually afraid of us and she's pandering to us?

-Dahyun would have already read it in her thoughts. I guess she's just matured. Then when Jihyo told me about her being her cousin and that she needed a place to stay, I thought, it's been nine years now, right? And so I told her she could come.

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