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-I'm back!- Nayeon exclaimed, closing the door of the house. A furious Taiwanese woman lashed out at her. -Tzuyu, calm your tits. Guess who brought plasma mousse to her favorite vampire?

Tzuyu raised an eyebrow. -And why so much kindness?

-Because I imagine that you heard that a human will come to live with us and you would like to kill me. Point one: you can't, I'm immortal.

-I could. With a stake, for example.

Nayeon rolled her eyes. -Point two: she is Jihyo's cousin.

-I know.

-Point three: she has no friends, poor thing, and they kicked her out of the house.

-Okay, okay, let's see how it goes. But if it ends up like Somi, don't expect me not to say "I told you".

-It will all be fine.

-As you say. The mousse?

Nayeon smiled and gave her the box of sweets she was holding.

-Sweets!?- Momo exclaimed from her room.

-Sometimes I wonder if her power isn't the super sense of smell.- the youngest of the group wondered.

-Speaking of powers: have you discovered yours?- Nayeon asked her.

-At this point I have resigned myself to the fact that it is beauty.

-Darling, you've only been a vampire for a year, some took even ten years to discover theirs.

-Girls! Girls!- A very excited Sana popped her head out of the bathroom door. -Jeongyeon will arrive in a few minutes!

-I can't believe that she discovered her power right away and I didn't.- Tzuyu complained. -How I wish it was x-ray vision.

-Sana, please, nothing about us.- Nayeon reminded her.

-I will be silent, I swear on the Count.

Tzuyu went to the kitchen to eat her mousse, while Nayeon went to put down what she had bought. There was a lot of movement in the kitchen: Jihyo and Chaeyoung were preparing the concoction for her cousin to drink so as not to make her fall in love with Mina.

-The intercom!- Sana exclaimed running towards the room.

-But it didn't rin- A noise echoed in the house. -Sometimes I forget that her power is to predict the future.- Tzuyu said shaking her head.

-But still for a short time.- Sana said pouting. -Yet I've been a vampire for more than three hundred years now! Why can't I improve?

-At least you have the power.- Chaeyoung said with a grin.

Jihyo went to the front door to welcome her cousin. When they saw each other, they gave each other a simple handshake, then Sana literally threw herself into Jeongyeon's arms, who didn't reciprocate.

-Then they say that we are the ones without affection.- commented Tzuyu observing the scene from afar.

-Oh my Dracula! Ji, give me the concoction.- Sana said seriously. -Are you sure she isn't also the daughter of the Magni- Jihyo covered her mouth.

-Jeong, welcome. I have to tell you something: a roommate of mine likes to experiment and she prepared a non-alcoholic cocktail for you but it's really disgusting, but don't make her feel bad, drink some of it.

Jeongyeon nodded. -It can't be that bad.

-If you say so.- Tzuyu said from afar, while Chaeyoung approached her new roommate with a cup in her hand.

-Hi, I'm Chaeyoung.- the girl who seemed younger than her greeted her but she was actually two hundred and thirty-two years old.

-Jeongyeon, my pleasure.- the other said, shaking her hand.

She took the cup with the free one and drank it. Luckily, the object covered her facial expression.

-How is it?- Tzuyu asked from afar with a joking smile.

-Great!- Jeongyeon exclaimed.

-You can let the beast out!- the Taiwanese shouted.

The beautiful Mina made an appearance and Jeongyeon didn't understand why the sarcastic girl called her "the beast".

-It's a pleasure to meet you.- Mina said, smiling sweetly at her. -My name is Mina, at least nowadays.

Jeongyeon looked at her confused but squeezed her back.

-And the very funny one over there is Tzuyu.- Jihyo introduced her.

-And I'm Sana!

-Come, let me introduce you to the others.- Jihyo said, taking her cousin into the kitchen.

-She's here!?- Momo asked. -Sorry, I didn't notice. I'm Momo.

-And I'm Dahyun, nice to meet you. What do you mean we're weird in this house!?

Jihyo widened her eyes and signaled for Dahyun to deactivate her power.

-And Nayeon?- Mina asked looking around her.

Like if she had called for her, Nayeon came out of her room wearing a tight black dress with a black see-through tulle over it, which left many interesting areas of her body exposed. She wore foundation that was even lighter than her natural color, black eyeshadow, and red lipstick.

-Girls, I'm going down!- she announced walking towards the room. She stopped when she realized the human had arrived.

-How I would like her to suck all my blood.- Sana said of her, licking her lips.

-Because she's a leech, she sucks all your energy away.- Tzuyu intervened.

-Tzuyu!- Nayeon scolded her. -Remember that I am older than you.

-I remember it. You could be my tri-great-great-great-great...

-We got it.- Nayeon told her.


-Nice to meet you, Nayeon.- she introduced herself, offering her hand to the newcomer.

-Are you going to a party?- Jeongyeon asked.

-A thing like that.

Nayeon started walking towards the door and Jeongyeon kept looking at her.

-Forget her.- Tzuyu told her.

-What? No, no.- Jeongyeon said shaking her head.

-That's not what your thoughts about her ass say.- Dahyun said. -Don't even make me repeat them.

-She's crazy.- Jihyo whispered to her.

-I have some bad news for you: we only have six rooms. You could sleep with Jihyo, but Sana already sleeps there. I don't share my room and I doubt Mina would. Dahyun is with Chaeyoung, Momo and Nayeon remain. And as much as I imagine you want to be with my friend with the inviting ass, I doubt she wants to be with someone like you, so I'm sorry, but you'll be left with the last remaining option, social degradation.

-Hey! I'm here!- Momo reminded her. -It will be a pleasure to be your roommate. If you are afraid of cockroaches, mice or insects, don't worry, I'll eat them.

Jihyo began to laugh nervously. -So funny. She intends she will capture them.

-Ahhhh. Of course yes.

-Girls, I think I'll join Nayeon.- Mina said, waving goodbye to everyone.

-No, you can't go.- Dahyun told her.

-Let's say it's a place... Exclusive.- Tzuyu concluded.

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