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-Oh my Dracula! I feel like I might even reach human body temperature if you keep going like this.- Nayeon said after her third orgasm. -How many exes do you have?

-Three, I slept with two.

-And you're already so expert at twenty-seven. I know vampires who have centuries of experience who can't do half the things you can. I can't explain it... You... You put passion into it. Not vampire passion. It's something different.

-With... How many humans have you slept with?

-With how many? How many have I been with? Ten, not including you. How many have I repeated it with? Six. My beloved husbands who died for me.

-And how many vampires have you been with?

-We won't finish counting those even by two thousand and twenty-five. Don't tell me that's what you were thinking.

Jeongyeon shrugged. -It may be.

Nayeon laughed. -I assure you that this is in the top 10.

-Then let's take it up at a higher level.- Jeongyeon whispered, caressing Nayeon's breasts again, making her nipples weak and eager again.

She had one night with Nayeon, she might as well make the most of it and that's it.

-If you can get me to warm up you'll be in the top 3.- she whispered to her. -Only my last two husbands have succeeded. The others were very gallant, it was a different time.

-Are you telling me I could surpass four of your husbands? Husbands. They... They were so important to you.

-They were. They will always be. But we have to move forward. I am immortal and a widow, but each of my husbands is equally important. I loved them and I will always remember them with love, in the same way I will love and remember my next ones.

Jeongyeon entered the girl and stared into her eyes. -Have you ever been with a girl?

-Never. And this makes you unique. You're different from my exes because they were all men. You... You can't be compared to them.

Nayeon wrapped her tongue around one of the girl's pink nipples, as they both moved their bodies against each other in an incessant, faster and faster rhythm. Maybe Jeongyeon really wanted to get into the top 3, maybe she really wanted to be different from the others, unique.

Noises from outside brought her back to reality. It was obvious that the girls were back but most of them were drunk. Mina laughed loudly while Sana told her to be quiet, the others went to their rooms like vampire zombies, ready to rest in their pine wood sarcophagi.

-Na- The other covered her mouth.

-Shhh. If they hear us... Especially your cousin and Mina.- Nayeon whispered to her. -Hold back.

Nayeon kept her eyes narrowed as she sucked Jeongyeon's breast with her mouth as if it were a bottle of blood and Jeongyeon continued with her obscene movements against the vampire's intimacy. One last muffled scream against the other's burning skin and Nayeon could breathe. Jeongyeon stepped out of her intimacy and breathed heavily.

-Of all the times I've been with a girl, this was the most beautiful.- she whispered to her.

Nayeon stared at the ceiling as Jeongyeon positioned herself next to her, curled up in her small space, ready to sleep, as was her right, as she was right as a human.

-It was nice for me too, but strange.- Nayeon admitted. -But it won't happen again, even if we both want it.

-W... Why? If we both want it-

-Because I have never slept with a human more than once. Except for my husbands, of course.

-But if both-

-Jeongyeon, you know we can't. Because, if only one of the two were to fall in love with the other-

This time it was Jeongyeon who interrupted her. -I think it's too late.

Nayeon opened her eyes wide. -Please tell me you're joking.

-It's okay, it's okay, just ignore it. I'll try to get it through.

Nayeon would have cried if she could. How many years had she spent forgetting her and in that moment all her effort seemed in vain.

-Jeongyeon... If a vampire and a human fall in love-

-I know, but it will be enough that I will try to forget about it. I'm only at the beginning after all.

-It's too late.- Jeongyeon turned her head and looked at her with her big eyes. -Because if a vampire falls in love with a human, the human has no escape.


-I've been craving you for a long time. When I see your neck my fangs pop out and this has only happened to me with one other person besides my six husbands.

-Then I too will die like them... Unless... Someone bites me. But Jihyo doesn't want to. Nayeon, why don't you bite me?

Nayeon looked down. -I cannot.


-You see... I've never bitten. My canines are virgin. They are the only pure part of me.

-Oh... Never?

-Never. But no one knows this except Mina. Please don't tell anyone.

-Don't worry, I won't. Then I could ask Mina to bite me.

-No, you can't.- Nayeon said, sitting down. She covered herself with the blanket and looked down. -Biting is like giving a kiss. It would be like a betrayal.

-Nayeon, please, I don't want to die.

-And I don't want you to die. And I'm convinced that if Jihyo knows the situation, she will decide to bite you, but let's try not to think about it now. When we realize that my love is consuming you, we will face it.

-It's strange... When I look at you it's almost like I've known you all my life. My heart beats as if I've known you since I was little. I had never felt something so strong in such a short time.

Nayeon got up from the bed and picked up her pajamas from the floor. -It must be the effect of us vampires.- she said from behind.

-I definitely didn't know you as a child. Someone like you can't be forgotten.

-Just as I wouldn't forget someone like you. But sleep now, you need to do it. I'll lock myself in the vampibed to think.



-Do you promise me you won't see other vampires again?

Nayeon smiled. -I promise you. But I will be forced to lie to the others.

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