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-Hi Jeongyeon.

-Somi! How is it going?

The beautiful, now blonde vampire smiled. -Well. I brought you some pastries.

Perhaps Somi now had two rivals.

-Thank you. What a nice gesture.

-I don't know what you like but when I was a human this pastry shop was my favorite.

How could she tell her? Jeongyeon swallowed.

-Somi... I'm sorry but Chaeyoung can't see you today.

-Oh no?- Somi leaned on the counter looking at the girl in her eyes. -And why?

Jeongyeon tried not to avoid her gaze, so as not to arouse suspicion. -Well... Because she's busy.

-Doing tattoos, a profession I'm practicing in, that's why Chaeyoung was the one who told me to come. Look, I'll avoid using my powers on you, even if it's the right occasion: you look me in the eyes, it will be easy to make you do what I want. I want you to be honest: does Dracula's daughter have anything to do with it?

Jeongyeon looked down. -Yes and no. She's doing me an important favor and I need you and Chaeyoung to not see each other for a while.

-If she likes Chaeyoung so much, why doesn't she just tell her?- Somi shook her head. -What kind of favor?

-It's a personal matter.

-I can also avoid coming here, but I want to know why. And you know I'll find out anyway.

Jeongyeon sighed. -I said to- Poor girl, she had looked into her eyes. -My ex left me our daughter and I need authorization from a judge to keep her with me.

-Oh.- Somi was surprised. -Daughter?

-Somi! Why did you use your power on me!?

-Sorry, but you didn't tell me why I had to stop coming here. And will Mina help you if you keep me away? That blood sucker! Okay... I won't come for a while, but in exchange you have to promise me a date with Tzuyu.

-I thought you liked Chaeyoung.

-And I thought she liked me.- She shrugged. -Are you okay?

-But Tzuyu is dating Jennie and she is my friend...

-You're doing it for your daughter, right?

-You're doing it for your daughter, right?

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-Dicky! Oh, you're there too.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and discreetly approached the younger girl. -What do you think of-

-Me on top, you on bottom.

-No! No!- She blushed at the thought. -No... I meant... How about a date?

The girl raised an eyebrow. -Me and you? Are you already tired of the dried up bat?

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬|2YEON|ENGWhere stories live. Discover now