Chapter 105: Vengeful Student!

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The scene opens with Ryo walking toward school, it had been a few days since school started and he had quite the displeased face on quite the sunny day. As he walked along the pavement, all he could dwell on was the fact school was not going to be the sane without their king. He cut his blue eyes as he stepped passed the gates, from behind Takeo and Jack walked the same trail Ryo did. They both had quite the sad expressions.

Ryo: "Greetings, you two."

Takeo: "Yo Ryo.."

Jack: "Hey.."

Ryo: "Let's do our best to have a good day shall we?"

Tak/Jack: "Yeah..."

In the distance, a familiar set of footsteps could be heard. A certain dark haired girl walked up to the group of boys, along with a certain blonde.

Tabitha: "G-Good morning."

Phoebe: "Hii.."

The two girls were also bit by quite the bug of depression. They all greeted each other. What changed the mood slightly was cheering, they all whipped their heads around to see what it was. The students were cheering over a certain popular musician, along with a duet. Avada had a smile as she waved at the students.

Ada: "I appreciate your cheers! I love all my fans!"

Sophia: "We love you guys! Hey that's close enough."

Ada looked over at her friends before giving them a wave. Sophia and Ada walked over to the group before greeting them also.

Ryo: "I am pleased to see we all made it."

Phoebe: "All..but Zelly."

Ada: "I wish Zeldris dear was here. I want to thank him properly~"

Tabitha: "W-Well we're going to get him back..."

Takeo: "Of course we are, we're Zel's knights!."

Jack: "Yeah that's our king!"

Ryo nodded before saying.

Ryo: "We are quite punctual. We have two hours before school begins. However you all know why we are early."

The group nodded.

Ryo: "This time of year all the schools meet up to engage in combat. Last year we had bested them because of Donny."

Takeo: "That sack of crap."

Jack: "He was no match for our king and his knights."

Ryo: "That is quite true..but now that we do not have our king..we are at quite a disadvantage."

Ada: "But that doesn't mean we give up."

Sophia: "We owe the king of the school that much to protect the school."

Tabitha: "W-We will win."

Phoebe: "And Zelly will be so proud!"

Ryo: "That's the spirit! Now..they will be upon us at any moment."

The group looked forward a group of students walked passed the gates in different coloured uniform. Their uniform was black with a badger lifting a chunk of wood. Their school was named "Damned high." Another group of students stepped up from another direction. Their uniforms were blue and had a hand with wings. They were from the school of Eve and another group of students stepped up but there was a familiar face..along with a familiar blonde right hand man.

Tabitha: "N-No.."

Takeo: "It can't be.."

Ryo: "He should've been exiled from our town. How is he still able to thrive here?!"

The group was shocked, all their pupils shrunk as they saw the hulking man.

Donny: "BAHAHAHAHA good to see you shitheads kept MY school nice and toasty."

Takeo: "This isn't your school crusty sock man!"

Jack: "That's right!"

Ryo: "It belongs to a real king. A concept you could never grasp Donovan."

Donny cut his eyes before cracking his knuckles.

Donny: "A real king? Your king ain't here. So I ain't scared of you twerps!"

The groups eyes opened did he know?

Phoebe: "And how do you know that? Zelly is here!"

Donny: "You're full of shit tits for brains! I know he isn't here. BAHAHAHAHAHAHSH. You want to know why? Because I left that little shit in prison leaving him to die!"

Phoebe gasped, her lips trembled as she heard his words.

Ryo: "You were with him? So that means he must've attempted an escape."

Takeo: "But this bastard left him behind and backstabbed him."

Jack: "Now I'm mad."

Donny looked over at the girls. He didn't recognise some of them but he could tell they were Zeldris's allies.

Donny: "Listen pop-star, how about you join the winning team? Zeldris is a little shit anyways."

Ada kept her calm, her heart beat matched her tempo as she gave a smile.

Ada: "I refuse to follow a man, with no compassion."

Sophia: "You hear that? That means no, just to dumb it down for you."

Donny turned red as he balled his fists. All the students mocked and laughed at him. happened, the fighting began. Ada summoned her guitar, Takeo reached into a small void that he had made to pull out a potato canon, Jack rolled up his sleeves. Tabitha got into a karate position and a dark aura surrounded her fists. Phoebe gritted her teeth, as tears escaped her eyes she felt her blood boil.

Phoebe: "You'll pay for abandoning Zelly!!"

Ryo: "Don't let our kings castle fall!!"

Chapter end!

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