Chapter 117: Carousel of nightmares!

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The scene opens with Zeldris rubbing his eyes. The memories he retained were starting to get to him, his eyes had darker bags..the feeling of death lingered over him. This caused his crew to surround him and look at him to analyse his current state.

Phoebe: "Zelly?! You look so drained."

Tabitha: "It looks like he hasn't been getting any sleep.."

Tamara: "Boss, did someone piss ya off? Tell me and I'll castrate the dickhead!"

Zeldris shook his head before stepping back.

Zeldris: "I'm fine, I just need to find that chick."

Ada: "Chick?"

Phoebe: "Don't tell me you're cheating on me!"

Tamara rolled her eyes.

Tamara: "Hey. Tits for brains, he was never with ya."

Zeldris: "You guys go in, I'll meet up with you guys inside."

Zeldris said bluntly before walking off.

The group was confused at first, but they stepped inside.

Zeldris looked around frantically, he needed to find the woman..the one with the golden earrings before the clowns got to her. Zeldris ran into the large crowd of people..there was so many faces, too many faces that hid his targets..but then a golden flash was was the light reflecting off her golden hoop earrings. Zeldris broke into a spring pushing people out the way before reaching out and grabbing her wrist. The lady gasped before looking back, she has a enraged look on her face before saying.

???: "Who the hell are you?! Keep your paws off!"

The lady swiped her hand back, before she could walk off Zeldris called out.

Zeldris: "Wait! Don't go to the big top!"

The lady looked over her shoulder before saying.

???: "What? Who the heck are you to tell me what to do?"

Zeldris: "It's a warning, something freaky is going on in there. I know I'm just some random guy but trust me. If you go in there, there's no telling what'll happen."

???: "How do you know this? You're hella suspicious."

Zeldris: "Listen..I know you're apart of the light clan."

The lady's eyes shrank before she balled her fist.

Zeldris: "But I'm not your enemy, there are people after your head here. Going in that big top is like painting a target on your back."

The lady was about to hit Zeldris but she stopped. She folded her arms.

???: "What's your name?"

Zeldris: "It's Z-"

BOOM! As Zeldris was about to say his name, an explosion was heard from the big top. Zeldris ran toward the big top not finishing his sentence.

Voice: "You let them die.."

The hoarse voice spoke from within Zeldris. Zeldris gritted his teeth.

Zeldris: "What could've happened?!"

???: "Wait up!"

Ear piercing screams were heard from within. Along with a rushing crowd storming out of the big top.

Zeldris: "Curse of the moon: Moon armour: Crescent!"

Zeldris was dressed in a white cloak with a hood, it had a crescent moon along the hems and on his back. He used the dagger to cut through the side of the big top, but purplish gas leaked out. Zeldris's armour began to weaken and lose it's colour due to the nullify effect it had. Zeldris began to cough as he stormed in..but nothing was going to prepare him for what he was about to witness. Body parts were littered all around the room, Tabitha was laid in the corner, her eyes were colourless, blood was leaking from her eyes as she stared at the ground, Phoebe was flung over the back of a chair, blood dripped from her mouth and down to the soiled earth before as she hung, Cosmo was pinned down in his monster form, black arrows were sprouting out of him..Ada and Tamara were still standing.

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