Chapter 121: Queen of parties!

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The scene opens with the mass group of ink clones chasing civilians, some slashed at the backs of the denizens that tried to flee. A stampede coalesced as floods of denizens herded and scurried away. A certain blonde appeared, he wore a red varsity jacket with blood jeans and red sneakers, he had on a black rucksack and a silver chain that had a wrench emblem to complete it.

Takeo: "Everyone get out of the way! Curse of engineering: Pulse rifle!"

As Takeo chanted that, a pocket opened and Takeo reached into it before pulling out a blue and black sprayed rifle. He then cocked it before shooting at the ink clones, laser sounds were heard along with bright flashing lights. As the pulse emissions connected with the clones they were instantly vaporised, the ink was no more.

Takeo: "Vaporised! Ha!"

Takeo reached into his pocket before taking out a walkie talkie, he then clicked it.

Takeo: "Ryo, everything is handled at A. How are you holding up? Over."

The scene changed and we see Ryo standing in front of a mob of clones. He clicked the walkie talkie before saying.

Ryo: "I am almost quite done, they're quite swift you see. Over."

The clones rushed toward Ryo, but Ryo wasn't scared in the slightest. Ryo inhaled slightly before he shouted his chant.

Ryo: "Curse of command: Surrender!!!"

The clones stopped in their tracks before getting into a position of submission. They bowed their heads before staying completely still.

Ryo: "It's fortunate, you all have ears. It would be a dishonour to my king if I wasn't of use to him or my allies."

The scene changed and Ada and Betsy clashed. Ada's clothes were torn slightly, she had deep breathes as she panted. Betsy also had deep breathes, she cut her eyes before saying.

Betsy: "Tired already? It looks like this party will never end."

Ada had a slight smile.

Ada: "Now now dear, that was just a rehearsal. Let's get to the main performance shall we?"

Betsy: "Curse of party: Festiva!!"

As Betsy chanted that three large multicoloured cannons were summoned and aimed at Ada. Ada cut her eyes before she started to run, the cannons tracked her perfectly before shooting out three large balls of confetti, party music was heard as the balls got closer and closer.

Ada: "This does not look good."

Ada strummed her guitar before chanting.

Ada: "Curse of sound: Sound sonic!"

As Ada chanted that, large waves of pure vibration was emitted and stopped the party balls temporarily. However Betsy attack was stronger and pushed through her attempt to repel the onslaught. Ada gasped before she was blown back in the attack, nothing but the sounds of party horns were heard as the attack went off...

Phoebe: "No, ADA!!!!"

Pip: "It looks like your little pally has been smoked ehehehehehe."

Phoebe: "No...Ada wouldn't go down so easily."

Pip: "You should focus on our battle, sugar."

Pip uttered before the hoop rolled toward her, Phoebe used a mushroom to bounce it back before running.

As the smoke was settled Ada was seen getting up, she had blood dripping down from her head, her skirt and torso was torn slightly along with her fishnet tights.

Ada: "You've got spark."

Betsy was could she withstand such an attack.

Betsy: "How.."

Ada: "Well honey, you rushed it. As your attack got closer to me. I used my curse to cover myself in a constant vibration. If I hadn't of done that, I would've been blown see, because that was quite the load~"

Betsy: "Eh?!?!?!"

Ada: "Now, let's finish this."

Betsy: "I'll end your performance, with this! Curse of party: Grand finale!!"

As Betsy chanted that, a swarm of people rushed forward toward Ada. They were blowing horns which shot out projectiles toward her. The sounds echoed throughout the park which caught the eyes of everyone.

Beppo: "To be pushed so far, it looks like that chick ain't anything to scoff at."

Tabitha: "Yeah, that's our pop star for you. When it comes to entertaining a crowd. Nobody can win against her."

Beppo: "Tch."

Ada: "Oh my..that's quite the crowd.."

Ada had a smile before strumming her guitar.

Ada: "But if it's a crowd you want, I'll show you how much I can rock down a house! Curse of sound: Concert of cheers!!!"

As Ada chanted that, a large golden keyboard was summoned behind her, on the back of it were four large horns. As Ada stepped on a key power began to build up from within the horns, people made out of a golden hue were summoned below the machine, they let out loud screams which counteracted Betsy. The crowd from Betsy's attack collided with Ada's crowd.

Betsy: "My party will be better than any of your concerts could ever be!"

Ada giggled.

Ada: "Your party is decibel's lower than my performances dear. My crowd will be the noise and you'll be silent!!"

As Ada said that, she played on another key and the the four horns shot out purplish beams that were expelled toward Betsy. Betsy gasped before the beams hit her, screams were heard from Betsy as she was flung into the air. She was unconscious, as she hit the ground landing on her back, she was motionless. The crowd that Ada summoned was cheering loudly.

Crowd: "Ava-da! Ava-da! Ava-da!"

Ada had a small smile before saying.

Ada: "Done already?~ you didn't last long at all honey."

Tamara: "HAHAHA! Good shit! Guess I should finish up here too. Can't let that bitch show me up now can I?"

Smiley flexed before saying.

Smiley: "You're cute, thinking you're stronger than me."

Tamara: "I'll rip ya to shreds, fuck head!

Chaired end!

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