Chapter 113: Learning within!

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The scene opened with Zeldris walking toward Tabitha's house, he had his hands tucked into his pockets as he looked around. Heavy footsteps were heard as they began to rush up toward Zeldris. Zeldris looked behind himself and noticed it was Tamara.

Tamara: "Man, that ginger bitch is such a prick. SHE GAVE ME AN TWO HOURS DETENTION!!!"

Tamara was rather enraged at this fact, but Zeldris understood used to happen to him all the time.

Zeldris: "Just keep your head down and she'll leave you alone."

Tamara: "Yeah. Okay Boss. I'll keep her head down."

Tamara scoffed as she punched the palm of her hand.

Zeldris knocked on the door before stepping back. Tamara scratched the back of her head.

Tamara: "Where the fuck are we anyways?"

Zeldris: "You're about to find out."

The door creaked open and Tabitha was seen, as she saw Zeldris she smiled brightly but as the door fully opened and revealed a certain shark tooth lady. Her expression changed to a blunt one.

Tamara: "Ah, it's the shy bitches place."

Tabitha cut her eyes slightly.

Tabitha: "Zeldris. I thought we were training..not harpooning sharks."

Tamara gritted her razor sharp teeth.

Tamara: "The fuck did you say?!"

Static was immediately seen between the two.

Zeldris sighed before saying.

Zeldris: "We are, Tamara wants to tag along. That and it'll be good for both of us to fight someone new."

Tabitha stepped to the side letting them both in. Tamara sensed a sinister presence, she looked around before shouting.

Tamara: "Boss! Watch out!"

Zeldris was surprised as a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his neck and he found himself in a hold.

Zeldris: "ARGH?! WHAT THE?!"


Zeldris could barely breathe as he struggled. He gasped for air as he felt his throat draw nearer to closing.


Tamara balled her fist before rushing forward to punch Renjiro.

Zeldris: "Tamara, don't!"

Renjiro cut his eyes before lifting Zeldris's head, he placed his two fingers on his neck before saying lowly.

Renjiro: "I wouldn't, unless you want the kids death on your hands."

Tamara stopped before her fists starting shaking.

Tamara: "Who the fuck is this asshole?!"

Tabitha: "That, would be my father."

Zeldris: "And my trainer."

The scene changed and we see the four sitting across from each other. Zeldris cleared his throat before saying.

Zeldris: "Now..that that's out of the way, I've got some questions for you Renjiro."

Renjiro let out a low hum.

Zeldris: "Why did you tell me that our main power source is imagination?!"

Tamara's cheeks puffed out slightly as she bursted out into laughter.


Renjiro: "It's an old technique to help soldiers have a mind of their own. Feed em bullshit and they'll be driven to find out more. In your case you're just an idiot for believing that in the first place."

Tabitha: "E-Even..I knew that was a..lie."

Zeldris: "Tch..whatever. You've taught me fighting techniques but it's not going to be enough to take out some people out there. Me and Tabitha and everyone else has gotten into battles with people that have some freaky powers. How the hell do you expect us to survive with no idea how to strengthen our curse powers."

Renjiro: "That's something only you can do private. Your powers stem from experience."

Zeldris: "Experience? Me and Tamara broke out of the most secured prison in the world. We fought someone with strength and powers that are out of this world..I don't know how we pulled off the escape, but we barely got out of their with our asses. Yeah I've gotten stronger but it's not enough, countless people were sacrificed and how will I be able to stop people from dying if I'm weak?"

Tamara: "Boss has got a point, he didn't even know about Chi until that guy told us about it."

Renjiro: "Chi?...oh, I knew I forgot something."

The three fell down surprised at what he said.

The scene changed and the three were outside.

Renjiro: "One thing about your curse energy is, it relies on Chi. If you have a low amount of natural energy, then you cannot expel your powers or use them."

Zeldris: "What do you mean?"

Renjiro: "Think of your powers like a gate, if the gate is closed. Then whatever that may be behind it cannot be freed. However if you have the key, the gate will open and your powers will be able to be expelled. Right now, you all are inexperienced curse users, well except the tall girl."

Tamara had a smug expression,

Renjiro: "This training, will be helping you make your spells more powerful and activating your chi gate. If you're lucky, we might be able to open your second gates."

Tabitha: "There's a second gate?"

Renjiro nodded.

Renjiro: "Opening the second gate would mean you have added effects to your powers. For example, my daughter can demoralise her enemies with the touch of her shadows."

Zeldris remembered something.

Zeldris: 'That would mean..I'm also opening my second gate too. Back in France I fought a lady that had a was thanks to my chains of hate, that was was cleansed..but it was so weak just barely getting my ass by.'

Zeldris thought before uttering.

Zeldris: "So how many gates are there?"

Renjiro: "4."

All three: "EH?!"

Renjiro: "Now enough talking, I want you three to battle."

Tamara: "FUCK YEAHH!!"

Renjiro: "Well not you, you already have your second gate open."

Tamara: "Yeah so the fuck what?"

Renjiro: "It'll be hard for them to learn, if all the punches bounce of your iron body."

Tamara: "Tch. I wanna fight boss for fuck sakes!!"

Renjiro: "You'll be the last battle for the two of them. Just wait."

Zeldris and Tamara got into battle positions, they cut their eyes at each other before getting ready to battle.

With that, the group trained hard. Sweat was broken and all of them had learned something new. Time went on and eventually it was the next day. It slowly turned to night as Zeldris, Tabitha, Phoebe, Cosmo, Ada and Tamara met up in front of the circus location.

Zeldris: "This place already gives me the creeps."

Chapter end!

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