Chapter Ten

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     I WATCH with a blurred vision as John B races over to Peterkin as she coughs on the ground

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     I WATCH with a blurred vision as John B races over to Peterkin as she coughs on the ground. I held Sarah up as she watched her own brother stand over the woman he just shot. My grip tightens as John B grabs the radio to call it in when Rafe threatens him.

"Don't try it, asshole."

"Rafe..." Ward calms him down before turning to John B. "John B, give me the radio." He instantly denies but he pries his from his hand before pushing Rafe back, ordering him to put the gun down.

I notice Susan whispering something to John B as he shakes his head. But she is persistent as he stands up and moves towards us.

"Guys, go!" Sarah said after noticing Rafe's attention on John B.

"Come on!" I grab John B's hand and we start running towards the woods as stray bullets spray towards us.

"Run, JB!" I say, leading us through the trees. We make it to a main road and I yell out as a car comes, stopping in time, but it ends up hitting John B. "Hey, hey," I say, running around for him. I watch with wide eyes as he just stands back up and starts running off. I ignore the man, following him as it seems he has a destination in mind.

We run for another ten minutes when we come up to a junkyard. I watch as his shoulder sags and he rounds the corner, coming face to face with Kiara, Pope, and JJ. My eyes fall to his hands as he holds them up and that's when I notice the blood. But I knew it wasn't his.

The rest of the Pogues ran over to us and started shooting questions, noticing the blood as well, but I couldn't focus hard enough to form a sentence as I stumbled. Hands raised up and gripped the roots of my hair.

Muttering curses under my breath, I'm yanked behind some crates, my hearing finally coming back as I catch the sound of sirens.

As I'm leaning against JJ, who had pulled me down, I glance at John B before blurting it out, "Rafe shot Peterkin."

Their eyes widened at my answer to all their questions.

"What?" Pope questions.

"She, uh, she was gonna arrest Ward for killing Big John when Rafe uh, shot her," I explained, my eyes falling on John B's hands.

"We, uh, we should go then. Get out of here." JJ places his hands on my shoulders and I nod as we all get up, heading to Kiara's house that was nearby, climbing into the car.

As I climb into the back with JJ, Pope and John B take the middle seat while Kiara drives. I lean back against the seat as the scene replays in my mind over and over again.

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now