Chapter Sixteen

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     I DIDN'T remember anything that happened after John B was arrested

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     I DIDN'T remember anything that happened after John B was arrested. Shoupe had ordered us to vacate and JJ had managed to drag me back to the boat. I'd stayed in John B's bed that night, alone.

I was scared for him. If that's how an officer acted towards him, I wondered how the state would act.

I was told the next morning that they had a pre-trial day in a couple of days that we were able to go to. The acid in my stomach forced it's way up. I couldn't help it. I was worried. He was the only person I truly had left in my life.

I didn't do anything until the time came to see him. Sarah brought me some clean clothes to change into and then we all went over. My hands were shaking as we walked in and sat down. A few minutes later, the judge walked in. Then John B.

We made brief eye contact, my vision blurring at the sight of his black eye.

I could feel the temperature in the room drop as the judge accounted everything he was charged with.

"John Booker Routledge, pursuant to the North Carolina section, you are charged with murder in the first degree with aggravated circumstances." John B stood still and silent as she spoke, but I wondered what was going on in that brain of his. "If convicted, the maximum sentence would be the death penalty."

I gagged as the room erupted in anger and happiness. I let the tears fall as we were ordered to leave. I noticed JJ try to come to his defense, but the judge didn't care. As John B was escorted out, he held my gaze as I yelled out his name, not wanting to leave him alone in an unknown place.

"John B! John B!" A security guard held me back and I shoved him off, clinging onto JJ and Sarah as Pope and Kiara led us out. Hearing all the comments from Kook's was even worse than when we were on the run.

"Justice is served." From my left.

"He had it coming." From my right.

I wanted to scream at them. But I held it in.

"Is this a joke? Like, are we in hell or..?" Kiara trailed off in utter disbelief.

"We should have never come home," I mumbled, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"They're gonna kill him, guys. I know it." JJ was angry, rightfully so.

Before I can say anything, Ward and Rose walked by with some work friends following. And my father. I hadn't noticed him inside. I shielded myself behind JJ's tall frame as we listened to what my own father said to Ward.

"Sorry for what you and your family have gone through. Thank god the system works."

"Can you please shut up?" Kiara angrily spit out.

"Kie!" I whispered harshly. I didn't want his attention drawn to us. And a fight wasn't going to help any.

"Of course you think the system worked because it was made to protect you and people like you," she bravely committed. 

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now