Ch. 16 ~ Lost in Language

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Dana, tasked by the executives, was given a deadline of 10 days to rewrite and finalize the script along with her team of writers. They worked hard, sharing their ideas and editing and re-editing continuously. They worked from early morning until late into the night, chugging their energy drinks, and when the 10 days were up, they were done. They were proud of their work, although it was laborious.

Dana rushed onto the set and distributed the new script to the cast members. With limited time, she did her best to assist them in preparing for the upcoming filming. As Luz focused on memorizing her lines, a sudden scare interrupted her concentration. A pair of familiar twins, with newly dyed hair, startled Luz.

Luz jumped out of her seat, and her script slipped from her hands. Ed's laughter echoed through the air, while Em immediately bent down to help Luz gather her scattered script.

As they picked up the pages, Em took a moment to apologize sincerely, "Luz, I'm really sorry about the incident at the party and what Amity said. It wasn't cool, and I hope you can forgive us for that."

Luz, displaying understanding and forgiveness, assured Em, "Don't worry about it. I can't blame you for Amity's actions." Em, attempting to provide an explanation for Amity's behavior, started, "I'm sorry, Amity only—" Ed, more concerned about his own discomfort, cut in, "Can we talk about the real issue here? This uniform is so itchy! How am I supposed to focus on acting when my butt is constantly itchy!"

Luz and Em stared at him for a second and then burst into laughter. Ed, puzzled by their sudden amusement, asked, "What's so funny about that?" Still chuckling, Em replied, "You need to have more class in front of ladies, Ed."

Dana shouted for Luz to hurry up and get into her place for the scene. In the midst of the hustle, Dana quickly handed Luz the necessary props, books for the upcoming shot. Dana, readying the camera, yelled to Luz, asking if she knew her lines. Luz, with a hint of uncertainty, responded, "I think so." Dana, acknowledging the tight schedule, shrugged and said, "Let's give it a try." With that, Dana shouted, "Action!" signaling the start of the scene and initiating the filming process.

Inside the library, Luz entered to find a peculiar sight – a glowing book pile that floated forward, controlled by concealed wires.

"Huh?" Luz uttered in surprise.

The Librarian, focused on his task, responded, "Late." The beeping sound accompanied his words as Luz walked toward the desk.

Examining the books, the Librarian remarked, "Coffee, grass, and bloodstains? These are Eda's, aren't they?"

Luz, recalling a wild night, casually replied, "Huh. That was a crazy night."

With a resigned sigh, the Librarian said, "I'll put them on her tab." He then grabbed a scroll dropped by a wire, scribbled on it, and handed it to Luz. "By the way, we're closing early for the Wailing Star meteor shower." He gestured towards a framed picture of the celestial event.

Luz, intrigued, asked, "Ooh. What's that?"

The Librarian deadpanned, "You're in a library. Read a book."

As his scroll rolled up and vanished, Luz declared with enthusiasm, "I am in a library. I will read a book," before dashing off.

The Librarian couldn't help but remind her with a hushed tone, "Shh!"

In the library, Luz engaged in various scenes for the show. In one, she fed mailboxes with gumballs, and they spat out papers. Another scene required her to put on a harness and wires, simulating the act of holding onto flying books.

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