Ch. 24~ Grom

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As Luz stepped into the designer's room, she was greeted by Teddy. "Hey, Luz! Ready for your fitting?" Teddy asked with a warm smile.

"Definitely! I'm excited to see what you've come up with," Luz replied, her eyes scanning the racks of costumes lining the walls.

Teddy led Luz to a fitting area, where the team had laid out various fabric samples and sketches. "So, we've got a few options for your character's outfit. What are you thinking?" Teddy inquired, gesturing to the array of designs.

Luz picked up a few fabric swatches, examining them closely. "I think I want something that reflects my character but also unique and fashionable. I know it's not very specific," she explained thoughtfully.

Teddy nodded, taking note of Luz's preferences. "It's okay, I think I understand what you're asking. Let's start with some basic measurements, and then we'll dive into the designs," she said, motioning for Luz to step onto the platform.

As Luz stood for her measurements, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. This was one of her favorite parts of the filming process – collaborating with the design team to bring her character to life.

After the measurements were taken, Luz began trying on different pieces, giving feedback on each one. "This one feels a bit too stiff," Luz commented as she adjusted a jacket. "I think we need something more flexible for the dance."

Teddy nodded in agreement, jotting down notes on her clipboard. "We can definitely make some adjustments. Let's try this one instead," she suggested, handing Luz a purple and black suit.

As Luz tried on the new outfit, she liked it but it didn't feel right. "The pants might cause some issues when dancing, and it feels kind of bland like it needs something," Luz sighed, twirling in front of the mirror.

Teddy sensed her frustration. With a reassuring smile, she excused herself and disappeared into the wardrobe section of the studio. Moments later, Teddy emerged with an armful of clothing, including Luz's usual leggings and a delicate tutu.

"I have an idea," she said, "Why not combine elements of both styles?" Luz's interest was piqued as Teddy handed her the leggings and the tutu. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how the combination would look. But as she slipped into the leggings, she felt a sense of familiarity and comfort wash over her. Then, with Teddy's guidance, she layered the tutu over the leggings, adjusting it until it draped just right. As Luz gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she felt a surge of excitement. It was like seeing her character come to life before her eyes. "It's perfect," Luz breathed, a smile spreading across her face. "This is exactly what I've been looking for."

Teddy grinned, pleased to see Luz's enthusiasm. "I'm glad you like it! I think it suits you very well."

As Luz dove deeper into the rehearsing for the dance scene, she couldn't shake the growing sense of anxiety that had begun to grip her once again.

The pressure to perform flawlessly weighed heavily on her shoulders, knowing that the success of the episode could make or break Dana's vision for the show and potentially shape the perceptions of a whole new community of viewers.

With barely any time left to perfect the routine, Luz felt the weight of expectations bearing down on her. Every misstep, every stumble filled her with dread, as she feared it would reflect poorly not only on herself but also on Dana and the entire production. As the magnitude of the episode's importance sunk in, Luz couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt and confusion gnawing at her.

She questioned whether it was appropriate for a straight girl like herself to be portraying a bisexual character. Was she truly capable of doing justice to the role? Would her portrayal be authentic enough to resonate with the audience? These doubts and insecurities gnawed at Luz's confidence. Feeling anxious wasn't new to her, but it had never been so extreme before.

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