The day everything fell apart

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It was the summer before 9th grade your first year of high school you and Jaden have been going to the same school since preschool. you both were gonna attend Buford high together you were nervous but no matter what you had Jaden...or not 

You were in your room trying to make your own songs you haven't told anyone about this yet not even Jaden. you were really focused when your mom came to your room."y/n"your mother said slowly coming into your room

"yeah mom"you said as you stopped what you were doing."we need to have a serious talk"she said as you got nervous."um okay is everything okay?"you asked."honey were moving to La"she yeah

"no no we can't mom"you said."honey i know its hard but-"she said but you cut her off."i can't leave me and Jaden are going to high school together"you said standing up."i know you love Jaden y/n but-"she said but you cut her off

"no i can't leave Jaden"you said running out of the house and running to the waltons house. you mom let you go she knew you needed Jaden at that moment and she couldn't stop you. you ran to the house and knocked on the door hoping Jaden would answer 

"oh my gosh y/n are you okay?"Javon asked."no"you said breaking down into Javons arms. Jaden was up in his room he heard someone crying and he was gonna ignore it but his heart started to ache and right then he knew it was you everything you cried his heart broke 

Jaden ran downstairs and saw you hugging his twin brother. every time you hugged another guy Jaden always got jealous even if it was his own twin brother."move"Jaden said grabbing you from Javons arms and holding you 

"i can't i can't"you said crying."shh it's okay i'm here now"Jaden said holding you tightly.After Jaden held you for like half an hour comforting you he finally decided to talk."what's wrong y/n"Jaden said.

"i-i'm moving away Jaden"you said crying into his neck and Jaden was shocked."what?!"he said grabbing your face to look at you with sad eyes."please don't let me go away"you said clinging to him 

"i won't let anyone take you away from me"Jaden said picking you up and bringing you to his room to cuddle you. after 2 hours around lunch you both heard a knock at Jadens bedroom door.

"hmm?"Jaden said looking up at the door."Jaden we need to talk"Jess said coming into the room with your mother."no"Jaden said grabbing you and holding you close to him."Jaden i know this is hard-"Jessica tried to comfort you and Jaden 

"don't touch her"Jaden said holding you getting protective. Jaden was always really overprotective of you."okay okay"Jess said."mom why can't she stay with us please"Jaden said crying 

you never saw Jaden cry like this ever it broke your heart."it will only be for a little while we might come back for her junior and senior year"your mother says."yeah might what if we never come back"you said

"we will come back if not when you're in high school then after"your mom said."i can't leave"you buried your head into Jadens neck as he held you 

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