Pool day

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Its been a couple days since your last encounter with Jaden. today your mother invited the waltons to come hang out at your pool. right now you were getting ready they would be there any minute  

 right now you were getting ready they would be there any minute  

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(this is your outfit but your hair is brown)

after getting ready for 30 min you hear a knock at the bathroom door."y/n"Jayla said knocking at your bathroom door."Jayla"you said laughing."open the door i wanna see you bathing suit"Jayla said

you slowly open the door and Jayla jaw drops because before you moved you weren't really the type of girl to wear revealing clothes."oh my gosh"she said and you laughed."like?"you asked."since when did you start wearing bikinis?!!"Jayla said shocked 

"since last year"you lauged."damn you look so hot"Jayla said and you blushed."thanks you look so pretty too"you said smiling."come on lets go swim and show you off"Jayla said dragging you to the pool as you laughed 

you both walked out to the pool and the boys were laying in the beach chairs."look who i found doesn't she look so pretty"Jayla said. Javon and Jadens Jaws dropped."damn y/n never thought i'd see you wear that"Javon said 

Jaden looked you up and down then felt himself bricked."shit"Jaden said under his breath grabbing his towel and putting it on his lap."damn dude are you?"Javon asked."shh shut up"Jaden said 

"okay whatever stop being weird lets go swim"Jayla said dragging you to the deep end."wait i still cant-"you couldn't finish your sentence jayla already dragged you to the deep."shit y/n"Jaden saw you were drowning and jumped in to safe you 

you were panicking until you felt Jaden grab you. you grabbed onto him and started coughing out water but you were still panicking it was like you couldn't breathe."i got you its okay just breathe relax on me"jaden said holding your waist as you wrapped your legs around him.

"oh my gosh i'm so sorry y/n i didn't know you still couldn't swim"Jayla said."you guys need to be careful with her"Jaden said brushing y/n's hair out of her face.after he did that you buried your face in his shoulder 

"shh its okay"Jaden said comforting you. Javon and Jayla looked at each other confused."move"Jaden said swimming past Javon and Jayla. Jaden picked you bridal style out of the pool 

"its okay"Jaden said laying you on the beach chair wrapping his towel around you since you left yours in the house."i'll go get you water"Jaden said walking back into the house. Jayla and Javon just stayed in the pool very confused 

After a couple minutes Jaden came back with a glass of water."here"Jaden said giving you water. you start to drink the water a little too fast."slowly"Jaden said and you drank slower."thanks Jaden"you said."always"he said 

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