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The next day you got up at 9 and started to get ready for your moms"surprise" at 11

The next day you got up at 9 and started to get ready for your moms"surprise" at 11

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(your outfit)

After getting ready you went downstairs and sat at the table your mom made your breakfast 

After getting ready you went downstairs and sat at the table your mom made your breakfast 

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(the food)

"thanks mom"you said starting to eat."of course"she said.after 2 hours of eating and being on your phone you heard a knock at the door."that must be them!!"you mom said running to the door excited

"hi oh my gosh its so nice to see you"you recognized  that voice."oh my gosh y/n your so big"Jess can to give you a big hug."hi"you said shocked."y/n!!"you turned around and saw Jayla."oh my gosh you are so pretty you dyed your hair?!!!"she said shocked 

"yeah i hated the blond"you said. you slowly turned around and saw the boy you thought you'd never see again....

 you slowly turned around and saw the boy you thought you'd never see again

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Jaden...but he looked so different he had a mullet not his short fluffy hair. but it wasn't his look that was throwing you it was his attitude he didn't look all goofy or smiley than when you last him he was just different 

Jaden looked over at you and his eyes widened. you looked so different. your hair was brown and your figure looks way different. Jaden looked you up and down checking you out. Jaden was into brunettes  but he never told you that 

you looked away when you saw Jaden looking you up and down."y/n"Javon said hugging you. Javon looked different he had a lot of muscles and he was taller then you this time but he still acted the same

"hey"you said hugging him back. you looked over at Jaden and he was rolling his eyes. he would always get jealous before so maybe there was still some of him left in there. you stopped hugging Javon.

"aren't you guys excited to see each other"Jess said looking at you and Jaden. you both just looked at each other saying nothing."okay maybe it will take some time for you guys to be comfortable and friends again"Jess said.

"mom were not 12"Jaden said and you heart broke Jaden has really changed."well were all here to hang out so lets have some fun"Jess said. you all went into the backyard to sit down at the pools chairs yes you have a pool now 

"dang we could have so many pool parties here"Jayla said."mhm"you said. Jayla and Javon could sense the tension between you and Jaden."why don't you both catch up on stuff me and Javon will check on the food"Jayla said

"but"you and Jaden said at the same time."no buts come on Javon"Jayla said dragging her brother with her. once they were gone you said something because you knew he wasn't gonna say anything

"what's you deal"you said turning to Jaden."i don't know what you're talking about"Jaden said not even looking at you."You're different and you're being a jerk"you said and Jaden turned to look at you 

"oh please you expected me to look the same people change y/n were not kids anymore"Jaden said."no i didn't expect you to look the same but i expected you at least not treat me like a dick"you said

Jaden just sat back and shook his head."you begged me not to forget about you when you fucking forgot about me the first couple months i moved"you said crying."y/n we aren't!-"Jaden said yelling but he immediately stopped when he saw you tearing up

Jaden's face softened when he saw tears coming down your face his heart was aching like it did all those years ago but he didn't show it. he wanted to pulled you close and wipe your tears away but he had to much pride in him 

Jayla and Javon came back."we brought drinks-"Jayla stopped talking when she saw tears in your eyes. y/n walked away and went back inside."Jaden what did you do?!"Jayla said. Jaden his shirt his heart was aching but even more worse because it just hit he was the one that made you cry when he swore he would never hurt you 

(flash back)

y/n came home from school in the 7th grade crying because of the bullies at school. Jaden ran over to her house."y/n"Jaden said coming into your room."go away"she said. Jaden ignored you and came over to hold you 

"aren't you gonna leave like everyone else"you said."never i would never leave you i love you too much"Jaden said."you promise?"you asked."i promise i swear on my life i will never make you cry let alone hurt you"Jaden said 

(end of flash back)

"what the hell did you do"Jayla said."i-i made her cry"Jaden said clenching to his shirt."no shit dumbass"Javon said."i get that your still not over ava-"jayla said."don't just don't say her name"Jaden said 

"fine but you need to get your shit together you cried almost every night because y/n wasn't here you need to get your shit together"Jayla said running back into the house to go get you. Jayla ran into the house 

"where's y/n?"Jayla asked y/m/n and Jessica."she ran into her room she seemed upset is everything okay?"your mother said."everything is fine i just need to speak to her"Jayla said walking up the stairs 

"maybe they did really outgrow each other" your mother said."no its not that just ever since...i'll tell you when the time is right when its out there"Jess said. Jayla slowly walked up to your room and knocked on the door 

"come in"you said and Jayla slowly walked in."hey you okay?"Jayla asked."yeah i just need some alone time"you said smashing your keys."you play piano?!"Jayla said shocked."yeah a little"you said

"since when?"Jayla asked sitting next you."since a left i guess"you said."oh cool"Jayla said and there was an akward but comfort silence."i'm so sorry about Jaden"Jayla said breaking the silence

"don't be, like Jaden said we aren't kids. Maybe people just grow apart"you said. Jayla wanted to tell her so bad what the real reason was but her and everyone else in the family promised not to tell anyone until Jaden was ready to move on 

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