Baseball game

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The waltons invited you to watch Jadens baseball game since your mom had to work on Sunday and you were all alone at home. your were getting ready Jayla was coming to get you in 1 hour

 your were getting ready Jayla was coming to get you in 1 hour

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(your outfit)

After an hour of getting ready Jayla texted you saying she was looked the door and took your key with you."hey"Jayla said."hey thanks for inviting me"you said climbing in."yeah of course didn't want you to be home alone on your first Sunday back here"Jayla smiled as she started to drive 

"yeah of course didn't want you to be home alone on your first Sunday back here"Jayla smiled as she started to drive 

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When you got there right away you spotted Jaden. he was wearing a white baseball uniform with a little bit of red and red baseball cap. he was taking and warming up with his team and that's when you saw him smile 

It was the same goofy smile you saw all those years ago it's different...just different."i'm gonna go to the food booth you want anything?"Jayla asked."nah i'm good"you said. the game started and you tried to remember the rules that Jaden taught you in the 3rd grade 


"yeah and if that happens a team needs to lead by 10"Jaden said but you were so not focused

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"yeah and if that happens a team needs to lead by 10"Jaden said but you were so not focused."y/n are you ever listening?"Jaden asked."i'm sorry what?"you said."y/n if you wanna come to my games more next year i want you to at least know some of the rules"Jaden said

"why? it never mattered before"you said."because...i don't want you to get bored when i play in high school and then you stop coming to my games...."Jaden said."Jaden-"you said but he cut you off 

"because i don't wanna lose you when we get to high school"Jaden said."hey have i ever missed a game?"you asked."noo...."Jaden said."did we pinky swear on it"you said and Jaden laughed."yes"he laughed

"i don't care if i'm bored out of my mind or i don't understand a thing about baseball i'm always gonna be there just for you"you said and Jaden smiled."and that's why i love you"Jaden said."i love you too"you said smiling

(end of flashback)

The game ended but the score was very close at the end. you waited for Jayla as she was using the bathroom when this boy came up to you."hey"he said."um hi?"you said."i'm Noah"Noah said leaning up against the fence next to your introducing himself 

"I'm y/n"you said introducing yourself."how come I've never seen you around before?"Noah asked."oh i just moved back here from La i use to live here when i was younger but i moved before my freshman year"you said

"well if you ever wanna hang i can show you around the city"Noah said winking. before you could say anything you felt someone grab you."Noah don't"you turned around and saw Jaden above you 

"calm down i was trying to be nice"Noah said."we all know what your trying to do"Jaden said walking away with you."what's your deal"you said pulling Jaden off of you as you both walked away

"y/n i don't want you talking to him"Jaden said."well your not the boss of me"you said."trust me hes trouble"Jaden said."why tell me"you said begging him."Because-"Jaden said yelling but stopped when he saw you flinch 

that's when he dropped everything on the ground and came toward you. you never use to flinch when you and Jaden had arguments when you were younger."hey hey"Jaden said starting to comfort you but you flinched again 

"y/n i'm not gonna hurt you i would never lay my hands on you like that"Jaden said and tears started to fall from your eyes and his broke even more again. Jaden clenched his shirt."please please don't cry it hurts"Jaden said 

you finally let Jaden touch you. he put his hands on your cheeks wiping away your tears. and for  a minute just a minute you could see him again the Jaden you knew before you moved away."hey sorry i took so long-"Jayla said

when you heard Jayla you both sprang apart."are you guys okay?"Jayla asked."yeah i gotta go"Jaden said grabbing his things and walking away."wait how is he getting home"you asked."oh he has his own truck"you said

"yeah he got it for Christmas since he got his license"Jayla said."oh okay"you said."are you okay? did you and Jaden like have a moment or something"she smirked."no it was just a misunderstanding lets go"you said dragging Jayla with you back to her car 

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