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you got to the Walton's with Jaden for dinner."i'm gonna go take a shower"Jaden said."okay"you said."you can go sit in the living room if you want"Jaden says."yeah okay i'll wait here"you said sitting on the living room couch

After a couple minutes after Jaden went upstairs to take a shower Jayla came down."hey there you are"Jayla said."hey Jayla"you said."come on lets go into my room and have some girl time before Jaden comes out"Jayla said dragging you upstairs into her room 

"okay first off we need to get you out of these day clothes"Jayla said looking through her closet."are you sure I don't want to stretch out your clothes"you said."no sense now try this on"Jayla said getting excited 

"no sense now try this on"Jayla said getting excited 

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(what Jayla chose for you)

"are you sure this is okay I don't wanna ruin your clothes"you said looking at yourself in the mirror."of course it is you look really beautiful y/n"Jayla said looking you in the eye she could tell you were insecure  

"thank you"you said hugging her."of course"Jayla said hugging you back."yo mom said its time for dinner"Javon says coming into Jaylas room."coming"you both say as you walk downstairs together

you sit on the table,Jaden isn't there yet so he must be in the shower. a couple mintues later everyone is eating and you hear Jaden come down the stairs."im starving"Jaden said wrapping his arms around your shoulder's from behind and resting his chin on the top of your head

you haven't told anyone about the night you had with Jaden but people know there's deffinaly something going on between the two of you 

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