Dinner weekend

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You woke up the next morning really late it was 11. you walked downstairs and your mom was already making lunch."oh finally your up you must be hungry"your mother said."yeah thanks"you said as she handed you your lunch

"so i want to leave the house around 4:30 since its now that far away"your mother said and."wait what?"you said confused."were having dinner with the waltons tonight didn't Jaden text you?"she said

That was probably the thing he texted you that you left on read."oh um no i guess he didn't"you lied."well i'm gonna do some work on my computer don't forget were leaving at 430"she said.

(3 hours later)

It was now 2pm two hours before you would leave for dinner so you decided to get ready 

It was now 2pm two hours before you would leave for dinner so you decided to get ready 

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(your outfit)

After you got ready it was 4. you went downstairs and your mom was getting ready to go."hey are you ready i wanna go a little early a need to get gas"your mother said."yeah i'm ready"you said. you walked outside and got into the car

After getting gas you arrive at the restaurant(you can pick any)"hey"your mother said annoucing that you both were here."finally your here"Jess said. you eyes scanned the room and you saw the person you didn't wanna see

"hey y/n come"Jayla said. Jayla,Javon,and Jaden were sitting at a table. the only empty seat was next to Jaden. you sat next to him not getting really close Jaden could your mood was off but he didn't know why

"you look stunning"Jayla says."thanks so do you,did you guys order already?"you asked."yeah we got pizza and we got you some cheese pizza since Jaden said that's your favorite"Jayla says. you stayed silent and that's when everyone noticed your change in mood around Jaden

Jaden was about to say something to you but the pizza came and everyone started eating

(2 hours later)

2 hours past the food was done and everyone was about to go home."honey i'm gonna use the bathroom and then we can go home"your mother said as she walked to the bathroom."okay i'll just go wait in the car"you said 

you were about to walk to the car but you felt someone."ahh"you screamed."damn its just me"Jaden said."oh what the hell are you doing"you said yanking him off you."what's with you you've been acting weird this whole night and you didn't even answer my texts"Jaden said

"go ask your girlfriend"you said walking away."what gf?"Jaden said confused as he followed you."you know who i'm talking about"you said."who?!"Jaden said yelling. you show him the picture

"you mean lana"Jaden laughed and you rolled her eyes."she's not my girlfriend she's just a friend she had cheer practice and needed a ride since her practice is next to mine and besides she's not my type she's also taken"Jaden said

"Okay bye"you said and Jaden pulled you by your waist."you're so cute when your jealous"he smirks."shut up"you said."mhm bye y/n"he said winking at you."whatever bye"you said laughing as you walked to the car 

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