He's in town

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These past couple of weeks have been great. Jaden is slowly going back to his old self again well some parts and you have never been happier. everything was going so fine school,family,friends but then you heard he was in town..your ex

You stayed home the whole week scared of running into him. Jaden noticed your beahvior and went over to your house and knocked on the door."oh hello Jaden"your mother said."hi miss l/n is y/n here?"Jaden asked 

"yeah she's in her room she hasn't been feeling well"she said."yeah that's why i'm here to see her"Jaden said and your mother smiled."well okay i was just heading out so you can go see her"she said walking past Jaden

"alright bye miss y/n"Jaden said walking to your room. Jaden got to your door and knocked on the door."yes mom"you said groaning."its Jaden"he said."come in"you said sitting up."hey"he said coming into your room sitting next to you on your bed

"hi"you said sitting up wiping your tears awake quickly."what's wrong"Jaden said as his heart broke seeing you cry."nothing i'm just really sick i don't feel good-"you said but Jaden cut you off

"don't lie to me y/n l/n"Jaden said using your full name you could tell he was very serious about this. you started to cry again and Jaden's heart broke even more."oh y/n"Jaden said pulling you into his arms 

"i'm sorry"you said pulling away but that only made Jaden pull you in even more."shh its okay just crying into my arms"Jaden said. after a while Jaden spoke again."y/n tell me that's wrong"Jaden said 

"H-he"you said but it only made you break down more."shh its okay just take your time"he said comforting you."my ex he's here"you said and Jaden's eyes widened."what do you mean like here in Atlanta?"Jaden asked

"yes..."you said finally calming down."are you scared of him?"Jaden asked and you nodded."why what happened"Jaden asked and you just looked down away from him."hey look at me"Jaden said tilting you chin up

"you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to"he said."no i know the truth about you i think you need to know the truth about me"you said and Jaden nodded."it all started when..."

(flash back warning mention of rape!!)

"mom i'm going to Jake's"you said walking down the stairs with your keys."okay honey make sure to text me later"your mother says."okay mom I love you"you say."i love you"she says. you drive to Jake's house its about 10 min away

once you get there you knock on the door."hey babe"Jake says opening the door for you."Hi"you said leaning up to give him a kiss."lets go to the room i have a surprise for you"Jake says."um okay"you say getting nervous

you and Jake have been dating for half a year. you haven't done it with him in fact you haven't done it with anyone you're still a virgin. you walked into his bedroom there were flowe-=r peddles all around and his led lights where red

you know what he wanted but you weren't ready."oh"you said nervous and shocked."y/n"Jake said taking your hands in his as you looked up at him."we've been dating for almost a year now and i think its time to take our relationship to the next level"he said kissing your neck 

"Jake i'm a virgin"you said getting really uncomfortable."i know baby girl i'll go slow"he said picking you up and placing you on the bed."Jake"you said pushing him away and he got angry."your my girlfriend i take you how i like"Jake said

(end of flashback)

"a-and then he"you said but you started to break Jaden and Jaden knew what he did which made him angry."i'm gonna kill him"Jaden said standing up from your bed."no no no"you said jumped off your bed 

"stop please"you said standing in front of him."he doesn't deserve to be alive after what he did to you"Jaden said getting mad."please"you said putting your hand on his cheek. Jaden looked into your eyes 

he wanted to kiss you so bad but he pushed it aside and looked away from your lips."okay"Jaden said looking at your eyes 

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