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It was after dinner. you,Jaden,Jayla and Javon were watching a movie and of course you were the first one too fall asleep. you fell asleep on Jadens shoulder with his arms around your waist."guys y/n is asleep"Jaden said 

"should we bring her home"Javon asked."no i'm just gonna let her sleep her in my room i'll text her mom before I go to sleep"Jaden said picking you up slowly trying not to wake you up."alright good night"Jayla said.

"night guys"Jaden said carrying you to his room. Jaden got to his room and laid you on his bed. he then grabbed his phone and texted your mom letting her know that you were gonna stay over 

"shit what time is it"you said waking up."its 11:30"Jaden said."shit i gotta go home its so late"you said panicking."no no you are staying right here in my bed I've already texted your mother she said its okay"Jaden said

"really"you said rubbing your eyes,you were really tired."yes now go back to sleep i'm gonna go sleep in the living room"Jaden said but then you grabbed on his shirt."or you can still with me"you said

Jaden looked into your eyes wanting to stay too."please stay with me"you said and Jaden laid back in bed. you faced each other until Jaden started to lean in."y/n I wanna kiss you again"Jaden said looking at your lips and eyes

"kiss me Jaden"you said coming closer to him and just like that you felt his lips once again 

forever us-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now