Truth comes out

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It was the Monday start of the week everyone hates Mondays. You were at your locker when you heard a familiar voice."hey pretty girl"he said. it was the boy you met at Jaden's game."oh hey your the boy from the baseball game right"you said closing your locker

"yeah its Noah and your y/n"Noah said."damn I feel so bad you remembered my name but i forgot yours"you said."yeah how could i forget a pretty girl like you"he said flirting which made you feel very uncomfortable

All of a sudden you felt a hand grab your waist."back off Noah"Jaden said."Aww i was just trying to be nice to the pretty girl"Noah said playing with your hair."do not touch her"Jaden said."aww is this your new little gf"Noah said laughing

"It doesn't matter I'm not gonna ask you twice leave her alone we all know what you trying to be nice means"Jaden said."come on bro are you still on about Ava that was freshman year"Noah said 

You look at both of them confused but you were looking at Jaden more then anything."shut up Noah"Jaden said getting in Noah's face."are you scared of the truth Jaden"Noah said smirking."guys stop"you said trying to pull them apart 

"lets go y/n"Jaden said grabbing you."oh your too scared she'll find out the real reason we aren't friends anymore"Noah said."don't"Jaden said getting in his face again."y/n do you wanna know the real reason Ava and Jaden broke up "Noah said

y/n didn't say anything."its because Ava wanted to be with me and Jaden didn't know he saw her kissing me at the game and he still ain't over it"Noah said smirking. your eyes went wide and you were about to say something but all of a sudden Jaden punched Noah

the Jaden you know would never start a fight. they got into a fight and everyone was surrounding them"Jaden stop"you said trying to pull them apart but Jaden accidentally hit you"ow"you said falling to the ground

Jaden stopped what he did right away when he noticed that he hurt."get off of me"he said pushing Noah and ran straight to you."oh my gosh y/n I'm so sorry"Jaden said picking you up."move"Jaden said walking through the crowd 

You both got to Jadens car."shit i'm moms gonna kill me for this"Jaden said looking and your eye."i'll just tell them i fell down the stairs"you said."but y/n-"Jaden said but you cut him off."its fine i'm clumsy my mom will believe it"you said 

"i don't want you taking the blame my mom will probably find out about the fight"Jaden said."why didn't you tell me the truth about Ava"you asked and Jaden looked away."it doesn't matter"Jaden said

then it finally hit you."that's why your different she changed you"you said and Jaden nodded."well she is your first love..."you said sighing."no she isn't she was just my first gf not my first love it was someone else"Jaden said looking at you

"who?"you asked."you..."Jaden said looking in you eyes 

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