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Its been weeks since that night you had Jaden and its been the best weeks ever. Today Jaden has a baseball game so you decided to go watch him play

 Today Jaden has a baseball game so you decided to go watch him play

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(your outfit)

your mom was at work once again so you drove yourself to the baseball park which was 20 min away. 20 min later you got to the park. you started to look for Jadens parents and that's when you saw them sitting all together

"y/n over here"Jayla said calling you over."hey"you said walking over to them."you look hot"Jayla says."so do you"you say laughing sitting next to each. you look out on the field and that's when you see him 

Jaden said he cut his hair but you didn't see it yet it did fit him it's just different to see him with a buzz cut

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Jaden said he cut his hair but you didn't see it yet it did fit him it's just different to see him with a buzz cut

"oh my this boy forgot his water"Jess said."i'll go over to the fence and hand it to him"you said offering."are you sure hone"she said."of course i wanna wish him good luck anyways"you said taking the water from her

"oh thank you so much y/n"Jess said."of course"you said walking over to the fence to meet Jaden. you were waiting for Jaden over by the fence which didn't take long because his team spotted you 

"yo dude isn't that the y/n chick"one of his teammates said."yes now stop looking at her and warm up"Jaden said rolling his eyes as he walked towards you."hey there you are you made it"Jaden said smiling leaning over the fence 

"yeah of course and also you forgot this"you said handing him his water."oh thanks"Jaden said taking the water bottle and taking a sip."come on Jaden"the coach said calling him."gotta go wish me luck"Jaden said

before Jaden could go you grabbed his jersey and kissed him on the cheek. Jaden was shocked because you haven't kissed him since that night."good luck"you said smiling as you walked away leaving Jaden there blushing

(1 hour later)

Jadens team won by a point and it was a very good walked to the fence to wait for him when a boy you've never seen before comes up to you.

you walked to the fence to wait for him when a boy you've never seen before comes up to you

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he had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair you've never seen him before."hey"he said."hi are you waiting for someone too"you asked."nah i'm waiting for the coach I just moved her and i'm going to buford next week so I wanted to ask about tryouts the names Alex"he said said reaching out his hand

"i'm y/n"you said shaking his hand."so you waiting for your boyfriend or something?"Alex asked."um kinda we don't like putting labels"you said awkwardly."ah I see well"Alex says."yeah"you said

Jaden comes out with hi team and sees you talking to some boy who he's  never seen before.he comes up behind you gripping your waist and pulling you toward him."hi beautiful"Jaden says."oh hi Jay I didn't see you there"you said leaning into him.

"ah your the catcher nice catches out there man those were sweet"Alex says."yes and who are you."Jaden says play with the pockets of your shorts."I'm Alex I just moved here and i'm hoping to try out next week since i'm going to Buford"Alex says 

"oh what position do you play?"Jaden asked."i'm a pitcher"Alex says."oh well if you wanna talk to the coach hes over there"Jaden said pointing to where his coach was talking to one of his teammates.

"thanks man see you around y/n"Alex said smiling at you."bye"you said."lets go my mom wants you over for dinner"Jaden says"of course I love her cooking"you say

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