Don't wanna be alone tonight

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After 10 min Jaden dropped you home but you noticed your moms car wasn't home."where's your moms car?"Jaden asked noticing the car was gone too."I'm not sure"you said checking your phone and you saw a text from your mom

"oh she's staying at a friends house they're drinking I guess"you said. you've never been home alone since the night with you and Jake so you were kinda uneasy and Jaden noticed."do you want me to keep you company?"Jaden asked

"yes please"you said. you and Jaden walked into your house. you both sat on the couch. there was silence  but it was a comfortable silence."I can get you things to sleep in I have a guest room"you said standing up from the couch but you felt a hand grab your waist.

"wait"Jaden said looking at you which gave you butterflies instantly. your lips were inches apart."Jaden..."you said softly looking at his lips then looking at him."y/n..."Jaden said putting his hand on your cheek.

"I want too..."Jaden said and you knew what he wanted. you nodded and that's all it took for Jaden to kiss you. his hands gripped your waist tighter as your hands wrapped around his neck. the kissed turned into a make out he brought you into your room 

He laid you down on your bed and started kiss your neck as you started remembered the last time Jake forced you to do this and you started to get really nervous and Jaden stopped."sorry"Jaden said stopping 

but this is different you didn't want Jaden to stop."no please"you said grabbing onto Jaden's shirt."y/n we don't have to I know you-Jaden said but you cut him off with a kiss."I want you too"you said."are you sure"Jaden asked."yes"you said 

and that was the best night you had in a very long time 

forever us-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now