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It's now Saturday evening Jaden finally convinced you to get out of the house just the two of you. Jaden was gonna pick you up soon so you finished up getting ready 

 Jaden was gonna pick you up soon so you finished up getting ready 

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(your oufit)

it was 5 pm Jaden was finally here and the sunset was at 6 pm. Jaden knocked on the door and your mother answered it."oh hello Jaden"your mother said opening the door."hey i'm taking y/n to the beach"Jaden said

"oh are you?"her mother said not knowing."yeah"Jaden said."y/n!!!"your mother said calling for you."yeah I'm coming just give me a second"you said yelling back."thank you so much Jaden for taking her out she's been down this whole week"your mother said

"of course"Jaden said."okay okay sorry for making you wait"you said."no your fine Jaden said glancing at your mother."what did you say to Jaden?"you said looking at them confused."nothing nothing have fun you too be back before 11"your mother said 

you and Jaden got into his truck and you gave him the biggest side eye(lol)"what?"Jaden said."what did you say to my mom?"You said."she just thanked me for taking you out"Jaden said smiling at you as you got butterflies

you get to the beach 10 min later. the beach isn't really that far from the town you lived in. you eyes lit up as you realized it was the beach you use to go all the time with the Walton's when you lived here

(3 years ago)

"come on y/n you never tan"Jaden said whining. this summer you wanted to try and focus on getting a glow up so you decided to finally tan with Jayla." well this summer i'm trying something new"you said ignoring Jaden

"It's summer were supposed to be having fun"Jaden said sitting down next to you."I am having fun i'm tanning with Jayla"you said."I didn't wanna have to do this but you leave me no choice"Jaden said

Jaden picked you up and started running to the water."Jaden Matai Walton put me down!!!"you said hitting his back. he threw you in the water."damn calling me by my full name you must be very serious"Jaden said laughing

"I hate you"you said annoyed."I love you too"Jaden said tickling you as you finally laughed

(end of flashback)

you smiled remembering the memories you had here. Jaden took out the blanket and snacks from the back of his truck."here I brought snacks while we watch the sunset"Jaden said putting down the blanket. you help Jaden set up everything.

After a while the sun started to set."the water looks nice I'm gonna jump in"Jaden said taking off his shirt as you got a quick glance so he couldn't see."it looks way too cold"you said."nah"Jaden said running into the water

you walked to the water only too put your feet in and it was cold not too cold but still cold."come on it feels nice"Jaden said."its cold and besides I don't want get my clothes wet"you said."you can use my shirt"Jaden said

all the years you've been friends with Jaden never have you heard Jaden say"use my shirt" Jaden never let you wear his clothes so this was kinda the first."you shirt?"you said confused."i mean only if you want too"Jaden said

you grabbed his shirt and Jaden turned around. you took off your shorts and shirt then put his shirt on."okay"you said and Jaden turned back to face you and his face lit up when he saw you using his clothes for the first time

"what?"you asked."nothing i just never seen you in my clothes before"Jaden said. you slowly went into the water."shit its so cold"you said and all of a sudden you couldn't see Jaden."hello? Jaden!"you said scared

all of a sudden you felt something grab your feet."ahhh"you screamed. It was Jaden."damn its just me"Jaden said laughing and you dunked his head in rolling your eyes."idiot you scared me"you said 

"aww you do care"Jaden said teasing you and you rolled your eyes. after a couple minutes you came out to dry off. you put back on your clothes and so did Jaden. there was a slicence you couldn't stop thinking about what Jaden had said to you at school after the fight 

"um y/n"Jaden said getting your attention."hmm?"you said turning to face him."um about what I said the other day-"Jaden couldn't finish because right then you saw him Jake....your ex he was at a beach party and he caught your eye and started walking towards you 

Jaden noticed this too and put his around your waist."well well look who we have here"Jake said walking closer to you and Jaden stood in front of you."who the hell are you"Jaden said."new bf already y/n"Jake said laughing

"I'm not gonna ask you again who the hell are you"Jaden asked."i'm Jake y/n knows excaclty who I am"Jake said. you didn't have time too finish because right when Jade noticed who it was he tackled the guy and started punching

"stop stop"you said trying to stop them."you mother fucker next time you ever touch or so much as look at her i'll make sure I kill you myself"Jaden said punching him Jake was knocked out cold after jaden said that sentence

Jaden got off of him and graded you hand."come on lets go"Jaden grabbed all the things and started the truck as you both drove away. 

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