Back to Georgia

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The next morning you woke up at 5 your flight was 8 and the airport was kinda far from your got up and got ready for the day 

you got up and got ready for the day 

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(your outfit)

After getting ready you and your mom headed out.2 hours later you both were all settled in at the airport and got some food as you posted on your Instagram 

2 hours later you both were all settled in at the airport and got some food as you posted on your Instagram 

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caption:yeah i'm gonna miss home but i'm gonna miss my girl more then anything in the world mia

@mia:i'm gonna miss you more 

after waiting for an hour you got onto the plane. it took 4 hours to get to Georgia. once you landed you went straight to the house and into the neighborhood where you lived out 3 years ago it wasn't the same house but it was in exact same neighborhood 

you got to the house it was really big. when you moved to La your mom got a new job so she also of money now she bought you a car but its back in La its getting shipped back in a couple weeks."okay honey you can go to your room and decorate with the stuff you brought"your mother said 

"okay honey you can go to your room and decorate with the stuff you brought"your mother said 

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(your room)

you spent all day and night decorating your room."honey are you still hungry"your mother asked."no i'm fine mom"you said."okay well go to sleep early I've got a surprise for you tomorrow"she said 

"um okay"you said."good night"she said leaving your room."night mom"you said. you went to sleep at 11 that night 

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