Junior year

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That was 3 years ago you and Jaden lost contact a couple months after you left he stopped texting first which you knew was gonna happen but you didn't know why. right now you were in your room and talked to your friend Mia about your toxic boyfriend 

"hes a dick i'm glad you finally decided to break up with him"Mia said doing her makeup you both were face timing as you were getting ready to pack to move back to Georgia."I had to he was too much"you said

"well at least you don't have to see him anymore your moving back to Georgia"she said."yeah...."you said not really all that excited."what happened i thought you've been wanting to move back since freshman year"she said

"well its different now its not the same anymore"you said mostly thinking about Jaden you've haven't talk to him in almost 3 years."well La will always be here you can always come back with me after your senior year"Mia is comforting you 

"thank"you said smiling."y/n its time to go to bed we've got a really early flirt tomorrow"your mother said yelling outside your door."yeah yeah okay mom,hey Mia i gotta go i'll talk to your tomorrow"you said  

"okay bye girl love ya"she said."love you too"you said hanging up.you turned off your lights and started up the ceiling of your last night in La 

forever us-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now