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Its a Saturday night and Jayla asked you to come over for a sleepover it is now 7 you already ate dinner and you were getting to go over to her place 

Its a Saturday night and Jayla asked you to come over for a sleepover it is now 7 you already ate dinner and you were getting to go over to her place 

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(your outfit)

After getting changed you drove over to the waltons. you texted Jayla that you were on her way and she said she would be downstairs waiting for you. it took you about 5 minutes to get there since their house was really close 

you got to their house and parked on the side. you knocked on the door."hey"Jayla said opening the door."hi"you said smiling."the boys are all out doing stuff so its just gonna be us tonight"Jayla said

You were so relieved because that meant you wouldn't have to have another confusing moment with Jaden."so lets go up to my room are you hungry?"Jayla asked."no i'm okay i just ate"you said

"oh alright let's go up to my room and watch movies"Jayla said. after 2 hours of watching movies Jayla turned off her tv and turned on her lights."okay we need to have a talk"Jayla said you knew what she was gonna ask but you still said

"about what"you asked."what's going on with you and Jaden?"Jayla asked."there's nothing going on"you said sitting more up."okay then what was that at the pool the other week"Jayla asked

"it was nothing he just saved me from drowning"you said."okay but how can he make you cry from being so nice too you"Jayla said."Jayla to be completely honest i don't even know hes giving me so many mixed signals and its so frustrating and i ugh i don't know how to handle it"you said

"why don't you talk to him about it?"Jayla asked."because its hard to talk to someone i barely know"you said and Jayla face went blank."i don't see the Jaden i known for years i don't even know who i see but its not Jaden"you said 

Jayla fell asleep that night early but you couldn't sleep at all you kept thinking about the mixed signals Jaden is giving you. its 11:30 and you go downstairs to get a cup of water but you see someone its probably Javon because he always has his shirt

But no it wasn't him it was Jaden. he slowly turned around and that's when you saw his body for the first time 

 he slowly turned around and that's when you saw his body for the first time 

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He used to be super skinny before but now he has muscles."oh i didn't know you were here"Jaden said turning to face you."yeah Jayla invited me over for a sleepover she fell asleep early but i can't sleep"you said

"so you came down here?"Jaden asked."i was gonna get water"you go to the cabinet where the cups used to be but now its filled with plates."the cups aren't there anymore their up here"Jaden said reaching for a cup above him

"thanks"you said as he handed you the cup."mhm"Jaden said.  you got your water and started to walk back upstairs."wait"Jaden said."hmm?"you said. Jaden grabbed you by your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"Jaden-"you couldn't say anything else because he pulled you in for a hug."i'm so sorry"Jaden said finally caving."Jaden what's going on what happened to you"you said pulling him to look him in the eye

Jaden shook his head he couldn't tell you it was too much for him."Jaden please i'm your best friend"you said."i'm not the same y/n i'm never gonna be that guy"Jaden said."you don't have to be people change in better ways but what hurt you so bad"you said

"i can't"Jaden said letting go of you and walking back to his room 

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