Twins birthday

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The date is now July 22 meaning it's the twins birthday. Jaden still hasn't talked to you from the encounter with Javon but today you were gonna make it up to him. you got ready for the day and walked drove over to the waltons 

You knocked on the door and Javon answered."hey"Javon said."hey happy birthday"you said."thanks"Javon said."i got you a little something"you said handing him his gift(you can put whatever you got for him)

"i love it thanks y/n"he said hugging you."of course where's Jaden at?"you asked."i think hes up in his room just chilling we just made up today since we kinda to i guess"Javon said."he's probably still mad at me"you said

"hey just go talk to him"Javon said giving you a comforting smile."alright"you said walking up to his room. you go to his room and knock on the door."who is it"Jaden said."It's me y/n"you said. Jaden's eyes widened 

he slowly walked to the door and opened it."what are you doing here"Jaden asked you could tell he was still mad."happy birthday"you said."mhm"he said sitting on his game chair not wanting to look at you

"i um got you something"you said putting his gift on his bed. he turned back to look at."what is that?'Jaden said looking at the box."its your gift you can open it whenever your ready"you said and you were about to leave but he stopped you 

"wait wait i'll open it now"Jaden said

He opened the box and it was a custom glove

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He opened the box and it was a custom glove."what is this?"Jaden said confused."look at it"you said

Jadens face lit up when he saw it

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Jadens face lit up when he saw it. it was his favorite color blue of course but that's not what made it special it was what was on it. it was the name"JAY"on it the nickname you and only you gave him when you both were kids.

"hey its the nickname"Jaden said softly smiling."yeah i thought you would like"you said as Jaden looked at you down at you."i'm really sorry about yesterday i know that you were about me and Javon but-"

You couldn't finish because Jaden pulled you into a hug and of course you hugged him back."no i'm sorry i shouldn't haven't gotten mad i was just jealous i don't know i just always been like that i guess"Jaden said

"hey look at me"you said and Jaden looked at you."it shows that you care and that's all that matters"you said 

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