Jealous of Javon

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Jayla was in the shower so you were waiting for her downstairs. all of a sudden you hear punching noises you wondered what it was so walked down to the gym. It was Javon he was boxing with other adults down there

"great work everyone will pick it up next week enjoy your weekend"Dj said."oh hey y/n"Javon said drinking water as he threw his shirt over his shoulder."sorry i didn't mean to interrupt i just wanted to watch looks really interesting"you said 

"yeah it is come i'll teach you some stuff"Javon said and you walked over to him."okay so first what you wanna do is square up to the bag and put your left hand in front and your left leg in front"javon said

you did everything right but squaring up to the bag."like this?"you asked."yeah um but your hips aren't um may I?"Javon asked permission to touch you. you nodded your head. His hands went on your hips and his face was really close to you,you could feel his chest against your back

Jaden coughed out aloud. you and Javon turned to look at him."oh hey"you said and Javon took his hands off you."sorry am i interrupting something?"Jaden asked."no i'm just teaching her how to box"Javon said

"yeah sure with your hands on her like that"Jaden said getting closer to Javon."dude what's your deal"Javon said getting closer to him too."guys stop"you said getting in between them and pushing Jadens chest 

Jaden scoffed."Jaden"you said looking him straight in the eyes."whatever"he said walking away you knew he was Jealous he's always been that way 

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