Javon boxing match

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You were invited to Javons boxing match. when you got there you sat between Daleo and Jaden."mom i'm hungry"Daleo said."we can go later your brother is about to start"Jess said."please"Daleo said 

"i can go with him"You said."are you sure"Jess said."yeah of course"you said."okay"Jess said."come onn lets go"Daleo said dragging you."i'll come too"Jaden said."oh well hurry back you don't wanna miss your brother"Jess said

you and Jaden went to get ice cream with daleo."i'm gonna go get pretzel's do you guys want"you said."nah were good"Jaden said."i'll meet you back inside"you said."alright"Jaden said

you got to the front of the line and was about to pay for your pretzel when you felt a hand over your shoulder."i got it i got it"Jaden said taking out his credit card."no its fine i have my own money"you said

"don't worry about it"Jaden said paying for it."thank you,you didn't have to do that"you said while walking back with him and daleo."nah its all good"Jaden said. you both sat back down Javon ended winning the game 

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