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"I love him so much!" Kyujin, Ellie's best friend whined as she sprawled out on the younger's bed. Ellie rolled her eyes and leaned back in her desk chair, feeling as though she is listening to a broken record. All Kyujin had talked about for the last month was her new crush, Kim Sunoo, a boy from their science class.

"Then just tell him." Ellie shrugged and continued to study, trying her best to block out the pathetic moans coming from Kyujin.

"Are you serious?" Kyujin spat as she instantly sat up properly and turned to look at Ellie with glaring eyes. "You've obviously never had a boyfriend, better yet a crush." She stated with a snarl. "I can't just confess to him. He needs to confess to me first." Ellie nodded although she wasn't fully listening.

Kyujin stood up from Ellie's bed and approached the dyed red haired girl, "you really are no help." She tusked while shaking her head and looking at the two of them through the mirror on Ellie's desk. "Come help me choose my outfit." She said as she began to open the two closest doors.

Ellie's eyebrows met in the middle as she tilted her head in confusion. "You didn't bring any clothes." She pointed out while placing her pen down on her notebook and turning to look at the slightly taller girl - who was too busy rummaging through her wardrobe.

The long black haired girl simply shrugged, "I'll just wear something of yours." She stated and took out a long sleeved shirt. "This should do."

Ellie stood up and began to put away all of the clothes Kyujin had just dumped on the ground. "I think you should change clothes too." She mentioned while changing her shirt and glancing over at Ellie.

Ellie followed closely behind Kyujin as she marched through the shopping centre. "Can you hurry up, I'm dying of thirst." She complained while rubbing her neck, dramatically. The Byeol girl let out a sigh before picking her up pace and following the other girl into the nearest cafe.

Ellie's eyes stayed glued to the floor as they walked towards the counter. "Oh, your Sunoo's friend." Kyujin pointed out causing ellie to pick her gaze up from the ground and for it to land on the brunette male behind the counter.

He wore black jeans and a white button up shirt that tucked into his trousers. His brown work apron neatly tied behind his neck and around his waist, a shiny white name tag tuck in the right corner - printing out the name 'Yang Jungwon'. His healthy looking brown hair was parted down the middle, creating curtains on his forehead. He awkwardly smiled at Kyujin, his finger hovering over the register's screen.

"What would you like to order?" He professionally asked, his voice not being too deep nor high. Ellie couldn't help but feel somewhat relaxed due to the boys tone and the way he spoke, it was so soothing and comforting.

Kyujin giggled and leaned on the counter, getting uncomfortably close to him. Ellie knew what she was trying to do - she as trying to see if he could give them a discount due to her looks, and deep down she hoping he would go back and talk highly about her to Sunoo.

"I'll have one strawberry smoothie and she'll have a hot chocolate, to go please." She smiled while twirling her hair. This is what normally happened when they ordered something, Kyujin would order Ellie's for her since she felt too shy to, all while trying to flirt with the cashier in the process.

Jungwon nodded and pursed his lips while tapping in their order on the tablet. "That'll be £6.30." He states with sigh while stealing glances at Ellie.

"The full price?" Kyujin practically gasped and moved to stand straight. Though, Jungwon didn't quiver and stared at her with a blank expression. Waiting for her to pay.

Ellie stepped forward and handed him the full £6.30, knowing that Kyujin would only create a scene. "Thank you." She softly smiled and Jungwon couldn't help but smile back, a deep dimple popping out of his cheek.

After a little while of waiting, the two girls were called to collect their drinks. Kyujin's smoothie was placed on the counter while Jungwon held Ellie's hot chocolate. "Thanks." Kyujin muttered before retrieving her drink and beginning to walk away.

Ellie shyly smiled up at the boy and bowed her head as a way to say 'thank you'. Her hand came in contact with her cup, her fingers gently brushing against his warm hand. "Come again." He smirked.

" He smirked

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