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Jungwon pov:

"How's it going with your bird?" Heeseung asked Sunoo who sat opposite him inside the booth and beside Jungwon. "You're so lucky you bagged a cute one." He added and Niki (who's sat beside Heeseung) nodded in agreement.

Sunoo chuckled and avoided the two other males eyes that were burning into him for answers. "Things are good, I really like her." He shyly answered and glanced at Jungwon who was busy drinking his diet cola.

Both Heeseung and Niki laughed and ate from the pile of chips the four boys were sharing in the centre of the table. "Doesn't she hang out with that red head chick?" Heeseung wondered, "you know, the one that disappeared for like a year and then came back with dyed hair and bangs."

Niki gasped and nudged the elder boys shoulder, "yeah, I know who you're on about. Her name is Byeol... Byeol something." Niki giggled and dipped his finger into the whipped cream on top of his strawberry milkshake.

Jungwon diverted his gaze from his cold drink and looked at the two males sitting across from him. "Her name is Byeol Ellie." He corrected as if it was the most basic knowledge ever.

Niki nodded and let out a laugh, "she was in my English class last year, she's a total wacko." He harshly commented causing Jungwon's eyebrows to crease and his fist tense together.

"She's not a wacko." Jungwon sternly said and glared directly into Niki's eyes, Sunoo awkwardly cleared his throat and attempted to change the topic.

Niki scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that? What, do you have a little crush on the emo girl?" He provoked with a teasing smirk - only making Jungwon more angrier than ever before.

"Guys, just drop it. She's Kyujin's friend-" Sunoo attempted to intervene but was only interrupted by Jungwon pushing his Coca Cola out of the way and slouching back into his seat with crossed arms.

"And what if I did?" He quirked a brow and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue in annoyance - hating the way he spoke about the girl whom he deeply cared for. "Would it be a problem?"

Niki laughed and turned to look at Heeseung in disbelief, who sat quietly, not wanting to get involved. "I didn't say it was." He pointed out, "at the end of the day, someone's got to date the ugly ones." Niki shrugged.

Jungwon felt nothing but rage. His eyes squinted with anger as he stared at his once best friend. He shot up from the booth seat and grabbed ahold of Niki's collar, pulling him to stand before striking the younger across the cheek.

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