╰┈➤ Yang Jungwon
┈ ❝ 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙬 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙨 ❞
... Byeol Ellie, a deeply depressed teen girl
meets Yang Jungwon, a cheerful boy
with a deep secret. He shows her the true
meaning to life and gives...
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Ellie sat silently beside Kyujin as the two girls ate their lunch. Although there were twelve seats on the lunch table, they only took up two. "I've got a surprise for you." Kyujin stated while putting down her chopsticks and turning to face the younger girl.
Ellie looked back at Kyujin with confusion but before she could ask any questions, Sunoo and Jungwon had both sat down opposite them - placing their trays down on the table. "Me and Sunoo are dating!" She excitedly announced as the dark brown haired boy reached over to place food off of his tray and onto his girlfriends.
Jungwon looked up from his plate of food and nudged Sunoo's shoulder. "You told me you guys were just friends." He said while looking between the newly formed couple. Ellie nodded and stared at her friend for answer, an explanation.
Kyujin softly giggled as a red tinge made its way onto her face. "After having time to think about it, I realised that Shin Kyujin is the only women for me." Sunoo proposed proudly making Ellie raise her brows and Jungwon's jaw drop.
Ellie honestly wasn't too surprised. Kyujin had liked him for a while now and what Kyujin wants, Kyujin gets. But it seemed like it was news to Jungwon due to his stunned expression and clenched eyebrows.
"When did this happen?" Jungwon asked as he took a sip of his cold water - his eyes not leaving Sunoo once. Kyujin began to twirl her hair as usual and bit her lip as she stared at Jungwon, waiting for a reply from Sunoo.
Sunoo pursed his plump lips and looked between his girlfriend and best friend, "it happened yesterday and I've never felt happier." He stated with a warm sunny smile. Jungwon looked back down at his food before his eyes gradually moved up to meet Ellie's, sending her a small smile as he began eating again.
Ellie awkwardly looked away and gazed around the dining hall. Everyone looked so happy in their friendship groups, they all laughed, told jokes, smiled with genuine happiness.. none of it looked forced. And after looking around at everyone, she couldn't help but feel somewhat envious of them all. She just wanted a friend. A real friend. Not someone who uses her for their own emotional punching bag or someone who couldn't give two flying cares if she's alright or how she's doing. She wanted a true friend. A genuine friendship.
The lights were dim and the mood in the room was depressing. Ellie sat on a long black leather sofa while her therapist, Seollee, sat opposite her in a matching single chair. The older women sat with her hands clasped together on her lap, her posture straighter than a ruler. Her short black (going grey) hair parted down the middle to then come and rest on the shoulders.
"How have you been feeling recently?" Her old frail voice speaks out. Her tone lowered, giving off a comforting feel to her words. Her piercing eyes glued to Ellie's as she patiently waits for the sixteen year old girls reply.
The red haired girl cleared her throat and brushed her fingers through her neatly brushed hair. "I haven't been sleeping well and some nights I find myself having no sleep at all." She honeslty answered. "my social battery seems to drain quicker these days and at times I don't want to speak at all."
Seollee nodded with an understanding, her eyebrows softened as her gaze turned into a natural expression. "What is your friend situation like? Are your friends chatty, supportive, quiet, emotionally unavailable?" She questioned causing Ellie to ponder for a moment.
"At the moment it's only me and my one friend, Kyujin. I appreciate her a lot and I know I'll feel even more lonely if I wasn't friends with her.. but I can't help but dislike the way she acts at times. I feel like our friendship is one sided and I'm the one doing all of the work." She stated although it was tough to admit. "I just feel like I do a lot for her and don't get much back in return."
Her therapist slowly began to nod her head and formed a thin line with her lips. "Have you tried to branch out to other people? Maybe try making other friends."
Ellie let out a small scoff and shook her head. "I don't have enough confidence for that and I don't know how to speak to people, I'm too shy and awkward." She spoke and adjusted the way she sat so she's more comfortable than before.
Seollee tilted her head with a simple shrug. "It wouldn't hurt you to try. You never know, you could find a best friend for life as a result."
"Hey, sweetie." Her mother's voice rang from the living room. "How was school?" She asked, her voice muffled due to her being downstairs while ellie had already hurried up into her room.
Draining. So mentally and physically draining. "Fine." She called back out, knowing that's not what she truly wanted to say. The Byeol girl dumped all of her stuff down and laid flat on her bed, staring up at her boring ceiling.
"Please let me get away from this life." She sighed to herself, her fingers tapping and twiddling with one another. "Let me meet someone who is worth my last breath... let me meet someone who lets me.. be me."
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