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"One glazed donut and a hot chocolate, please." Ellie's head shot up from the register at the sound of the familiar order, a smiling lighting up on her face at the sight of a grinning Jungwon. "I quit my job at the cafe." He stated causing Ellie's eyebrows to fold.

"Why?" She wondered, typing in his order and getting ready to bag his donut in the process. Jungwon pursed his lips and tilted his head, a look of thought plastered over his face.

He showed a small shrug before a smirking smile crept onto his face. "I just fancied a change." He replied and scratched his nape. "I'm going to start my new job in the ice cream parlour across the street." He said and pointed to the newly opened store with a 'Now Open' banner hanging in the window and a blue and white striped front canopy.

Ellie let out a small chuckle and nodded her head. "Then I'll see you around." She mentioned and offered out the hot chocolate he had ordered - only for him to take the donut bag and leave the drink in her hand.

"See you around." He smiled before exiting the bakery, leaving his hot chocolate behind. Ellie couldn't help but faintly blush as she looked down at the drink in hand, her smile widening by the second.

Her eyes casually looked out of the window, mindlessly watching him cross the road and stroll inside of the ice cream shop - the donut she served him in his clutch.

It was yet another sleepless night. No matter how much she tossed and turned or how comfortable she was, she just couldn't manage falling asleep.

She stared up at the ceiling, her hands met over her stomach as the warm blanket was pulled up past her waist. A heavy sigh pasted her lips and she began counting to one hundred once again, she couldn't understand why she couldn't fall asleep. Her mum and dad were tucked happily in bed asleep, it was peaceful inside the house and not a single sound could be heard from outside.

Nevertheless, she sat up from her bed and moved to sit in the desk chair beside it. She reached across the desk and took out her journal, beginning to write in it. After a little while of writing down her feeling, thoughts, and events of the day, she turned her head to look out of the window that was placed above her bed.

The stars shone brightly in the sky while small clouds covered some of the pitch black sky. While looking out the window at the stars, the memories of Jungwon's star poem for the English exam came into her mind, as well as his star shaped stained glass project. Why did he love stars so much? She found herself wondering, her head coming to lay on her folded arms - the more her thoughts ran with a picture of Jungwon, the more relaxed her body became, her eyelids soon dropped and without knowing she finally drifted off into a deep slumber, Jungwon being her last conscious thought.

"Why do you look so tired?" Kyujin questioned with a look of disgust, her arms folded over her chest as her back is pressed against the locker behind her. Ellie shrugged and fixed her hair with the help of her small pocket mirror.

"I did get much-" she began but was cut off by Kyujin jumping forward and waving to someone standing behind Ellie. She let out a huff and dropped her head, beginning to turn around with the hopes of seeing Jungwon.

"Sunoo!" Kyujin squealed and rushed over to the boy. Ellie turned around to see Sunoo standing alone, Jungwon no where in sight. The small
Smile she wore now dropped from her face, a heavy sigh and slight pout replacing it.

"Sunoo, where is Jungwon?" Ellie spoke up, tucking her hands into her black coat pocket. Kyujin turned to her friend and sent her the 'get lost' look, while Sunoo softly smiled at the younger.

"He said he couldn't come into school today for some urgent reason, he didn't say what." He explained and Ellie thankfully nodded and turned to walk off - Jungwon not being in meant she'd have to be alone for the whole day, besides lunch, but even then she'd just be third wheeling.

After a long boring day of school, it was now home time. Many students crowded the hallways and outside area, waiting to be picked up by their parents or saying goodbye to their friends. Ellie on the other hand made her way to the small park not to far from the school, she didn't want to go home straight away, yet she wanted to leave kyujin as soon as possible.

She mindlessly sat down on one of the swings, gently pushing herself forward and letting herself swing back. The sky was slowly darkening as she stared up at the faintly showing clouds.

"Hey." A familiar voice spoke out, making Ellie jump and turn to look and who the voice belonged to. Her heart skipped a beat as her eyes locked with his, a sense of relief, comfort, and happiness taking over her whole body at the sight of him.

"Jungwon." She called out and he flashed her a toothy smile before slowly approaching her - coming to sit down on the swing beside hers. He turned to look at her, his prominent dimple still on show.

"What are you doing in the park?" He wondered as he began to lightly let himself swing, his eyes still fixed to Ellie's face and the smile beginning to appear on her lips.

She shrugged and turned back to look at him, "I just didn't want to go home yet." She answered. "How come you didn't come into school? Sunoo said something urgent came up." She asked, curiosity lacing in her tone.

Jungwon nodded, his features slightly flattening. "I just didn't feel well in the morning, nothing urgent." He explained with a small chuckle, making Ellie nod and let out a sigh of relief. "Did you sleep okay? You look more tired than usual." He calmly wondered, leaning closer to the girl.

Ellie shyly tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and faintly nodded. "I never really sleep well, it's just a common thing at this point." She answered, afraid she'd make him uncomfortable by her opening up about her bad sleeping habits.

But instead Jungwon nodded and looked at the girl with concerned eyes. "Before bed you should have a hot bath or shower, and drink a cup of tea. That normally does the trick." He suggested, genuinely trying to help the girl out.

"Okay, I will try those things." She softly giggled with a smile. "Thank you." She added and looked down at the ground while playing with her hands in her lap.

"thank me after you get a good night sleep."


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