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The light from the main room shon onto the two as the group of students collectively opened the closest door - interrupting what could've been their first kiss.

Both Ellie and Jungwon immediately jumped away from one another and rushed out of the closest, both of them having extremely reddened cheeks. "What did you guys do?" They questioned while forming a circle around the two - desperate for answers.

"Nothing. We didn't do anything." Jungwon answered making them all groan and complain about them being 'boring'.

Once they all arrived at the aquarium they patiently waited to be given the instructions by their teacher before entering the large building. Inside had many fish sculptures hanging from the ceiling by a rope, making a few of the students gawp with amazement.

Jungwon subtly took out his camera and began to take pictures, most of them being shots of the back of Ellie's head or a picture of her smile from his perspective. "I didn't know you brought your camera." She said, not knowing he was taking photos of her as she was speaking.

Jungwon lowered his camera and nodded his head, "I thought we might find something cool in the aquarium and some of the art kids in school asked me to get photos for their upcoming project." He explained causing Ellie to nod her head with a smile.

"Everyone, we will be getting food first and then exploring the aquarium." The teachers spoke out and all of the young teens followed them into one of the small restaurants.

Ellie's eyes wondered the menu and she couldn't help but let out a disappointed sigh. "It's all just sea food." She pointed out with a frown. "Why would they only serve sea food inside of an aquarium?" She quietly mumbled to herself with a scoff.

"Kyujin, do you want to go and explore instead?" She wondered but the older girl just shook her head and sat down with a group of students, leaving no room for Ellie to join. The red head girl awkwardly nodded and crossed her arms over her chest as she looked around.

"I'll come with you." Jungwon offered with a smile, approaching the girl with his hands tucked into black jean pockets. He wore an orange jumper which had a black fluffy hood and converse shoes - his hair left down to fall slightly over his eyebrows.

Ellie nodded with a smile and began to lead the way, her eyes concentrating on the many fish swimming around in their own personal tanks. "You didn't have to come, you know, you could've just stayed and eaten with everyone else." She spoke up while still looking at the fish.

Jungwon let out a chuckle and nodded his head, his eyes being solely focused on Ellie. "I know. But I wanted to come and check out the fish, beside, I'm not hungry." He insisted and snapped a quick photo of Ellie without her noticing. "Let's go check out the jellyfish." He suggested and watched the girls face brighten with excitement.

The tall glass was filled with glowing pink, blue, and yellow jellyfish - the aura they gave off reflecting onto the two young teens. "They are so pretty." Ellie muttered and raised her hand to the glass - Jungwon taking a photo in that exact moment, with her catching him this time.

"Why are you taking photos?" She giggled and attempted to cover her face. A rosey blush escalating onto her shy face, making Jungwon chuckle and step closer to the girl.

"Why do you hide your face?" He sighed with a small smile, slowly bringing her hands down to reveal her face. "You're beautiful, on camera and off."

Ellie felt her heart beat ten thousand times faster, her breath hitching in the back of her throat. They had come close to kissing last night in the closest, but was that just out of the circumstances or because he was feeling something too?

"You're the only person I've ever let take photos of me." She admitted with a soft tone, the pink light from the jellyfish and the glowing blue water hitting her face perfectly.

Jungwon smiled sweetly and couldn't help but blush at her words, "good. I like being special."

Ellie tiredly flipped back on the double bed she had to share with Kyujin, her stomach rumbling due to her skipping food at the aquarium. "Did you see those turtles?" Kyujin questioned while sitting at the desk, taking off her makeup and cleaning her face.

"Yes, did you see the hammer heads?" Soomin added, her eyes widened as she remembered the shockingly large sea animals.


"Ellie, go get the door." Kyujin ordered causing the younger girl to groan and stand up from the comfortable bed, clutching her starving stomach as she approached the brown door.

"Why do I have to get it?" She mumbled with a scoff before peering into the peephole - her eyebrows creasing with confusion as she began to unlock the door. "What are you doing here?" She questioned and closed the door behind her, stepping into the hallway with the male.

Jungwon brought his hands out from behind his back, revealing a takeout bag. "I brought Mac n cheese!" He brightly smiled and shook the bag happily, "I know you didn't eat earlier on and I didn't want you to go to bed hungry."

Ellie's eyes widened, she loved mac n cheese. She felt her stomach rumble once again and couldn't help but smile wider than ever before. "Where should we go to eat it?" She wondered, wanting to just sit down at eat already.

"There are some benches outside, we can go out there since it isn't too cold." Jungwon suggested and the younger girl immediately nodded - following the boy into the elevator and going outside.

Once they made it outside and sat down on one of the wooden benches, Jungwon took out the tubs of Mac n cheese and handed her one. "I didn't know if you liked Mac cheese, so I'm sorry if it's not what you wanted." He apologised making Ellie quickly shake her head.

"I love Mac n cheese." She insisted, "thank you." She spoke with a smile, grabbing one of the forks and beginning to eat - Jungwon staring at her with a fond smile.

"Do you not like sea food?" He questioned while eating his own food, the glare of the full moon shining down on them, the stars sparkling in the sky - causing comfort to flutter in Jungwon's chest.

Ellie shook her head with a giggle, "only prawns." She answered, "I hate sea food but love prawns." She mentioned making Jungwon chuckle at her peculiar taste buds.

Ellie's eyes floated up to admire the sky, "the stars are so pretty tonight." She smiled, "I've always wanted to know why you like stars so much." She stated with a raised brow- Jungwon showing a smirk and teasing smile.

"I'll tell you one day, but not tonight."


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