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It was the last night of their school trip and the school had a taken their students out to the towns 'Lantern Festival'. People dressed as dragon mascots were scattered over the streets, people toasted marshmallows on the large bonfire that was centred in the middle of the street - red fireworks being let off into the sky.

"Are you having fun?" Jungwon asked, raising his voice to be heard over the loud laughter and singing made by the local people and some of their school friends. He reached his hand out and handed her a cooked chicken squire, Ellie taking it with a grateful smile.

"Yeah, are you?" She returned the questioned, uncontrollably tapping her feet to the music that the town speakers let out. Jungwon nodded his head and looked up at the red lit sky. "The parade is so fun." She complimented and Jungwon couldn't help but agree.

"The dragon mascots are cool." He pointed out while chuckling at Sunoo dancing with one of the dragon people  in the distance - Ellie following his gaze and smiling at the scene.

She looked over at Kyujin, who was sat on a log with a few other people and couldn't help but frown. "I haven't seen Sunoo and Kyujin interact for a while." Ellie mentioned making Jungwon hum in agreement.

"They've probably just had a lovers quarrel." He brushed off and took a sip of his orange juice. The sound of fireworks crackling in the nights sky filling the silent space around them.

"The fireworks are so pretty." Ellie stated while looking up at the starry sky, Jungwon looking over and admiring her face instead - admiring the way the red lights from the sky shot down on her face, the way her eyes sparkled as she stared up at the sky, the way her smile softly stayed on her lips.

"Yeah, so beautiful." He agreed - even though he's not talking about the fireworks.

Sunoo walked up to the two with a beaming smile. "Everyone is going down to the dock to check out the lanterns, are you guys coming?" He questioned while pointing back at the group of people making their way down to the lake.

"Yeah, we are coming." Jungwon answered for the both of them and grabbed Ellie's hand, pulling her along gently. Around the dock were a herd of people, listening to the instructions while many canoes were dotted around the lake.

"The person who you were partnered up with on the way here will be your canoe buddy!" Mrs.Kang explained causing a few of the other teens to groan with annoyance - but made Ellie's and Jungwon's heart skip a beat. "Everyone grab a lantern, black paint, and then carefully make your way into the boats."

Jungwon picked up the paint while Ellie carried the white lantern and candle, both of them making their way into the boat - sitting on either end of it.

"What should we write?" Jungwon asked as their canoe set off deeper into the lake, brightly lit lanterns already decorating the nights sky. "You know, traditionally you're supposed to write your name and the name of the person you're with.." he mentioned, glancing up from the lantern to see her reaction to his information.

Ellie smiled and let out a giggle, "okay, you paint our names and I'll add something else." She suggested and Jungwon couldn't be more pleased.

After a few minutes he turned the lantern around so that it faced her direction, the words 'Jungwon & Ellie' being written in black paint.

Ellie admirably smiled and dipped the paintbrush in the paint before adding her own little detail. "What are you painting?" Jungwon asked with a soft tone, Ellie chuckling and attempting to block the lantern from his view - wanting it to be a surprise.

Jungwon took this time to take out his camera and take a few quick photos of her and the glowing sky above. A small smile washing over his face, his eyes softening as he looked back down at the girl he loves.

"Done!" She smiled and lifted it up, turning it to face him.

Jungwon & Ellie

Jungwon laughed and snapped a quick photo of Ellie and the lantern. "It's good." He smiled and reached for the candle and lighter. "Let's light it up and let it off into the sky."

Ellie couldn't contain her happiness and smiled widely at the boy. "Do you want to do it?" He asked but the red haired girl insisted he did the honours.

The two looked up at their lantern being let off into the sky, the shining candle light glowing down on them at the perfect angle. "The lanterns made this trip so much better." Jungwon commented, his eyes still fixed on the many candle lit things in the sky.

"Yeah, they did." Ellie agreed - although she wasn't talking about the candles.

Sorry for the short chapter, I promise a longer one is coming!!

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Sorry for the short chapter, I promise a longer one is coming!!

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