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Ellie hurried up the stairs with a raging heartbeat, swinging open her bathroom door and looking in the mirror - ever since Jungwon finished painting her face, she had been dying to find out what he in fact had painted.

She stared at the mirror, her eyes filled with tears as she felt her heart melt and almost turn into goop. On her cheek was a small collection stars and one shooting star, the words 'I love you' written in white paint just above it on her cheek bone.

He loved her too. Ellie's cheeks grew red as she snapped a quick photo with her phone of the heartwarming art work Jungwon had left on her cheek.

She pulled a small pout and reached for the face wipes, gutted that she'd have to take it off for the sake of her skincare. Tomorrow she would tell him that she feels the same way and has done for a long time.

They love each other, and right now, Ellie is the only one that knows.

It was the earliest that Ellie had ever woken up, in fact she was too excited to even sleep. As soon as her alarm rang, instead of hitting it with an annoyed groan, she casually turned it off and got out of bed with a smile.

She dressed in baggy blue jeans and a black warm sweater, decorated with a few silver necklaces and her earrings. Once she finished, she hurried straight out the door and got onto the first bus that arrived - watching out the buses window with a pleased smile.

Once arriving at the amusement park, she looked down at her watch to see that she was a minute late compared to the time they arranged to meet at, 9:30am.

The young sixteen year old girl sat down on one of the park benches and patiently waited - scrolling through her feed on her phone and replying to a few of Kyujin's apology messages. She let her eyes wonder around the park, feeling an almost sense of nostalgia as she remembered the first time they all came here as a group.

Kyujin and Sunoo had not long been dating and were utterly obsessed with one another, her and Jungwon had only just started to become friends and were still getting to know each other. Ellie softly chuckled to herself when remembering how desperate Kyujin was to get some alone time with Sunoo, causing Ellie and Jungwon to ride the ferris wheel together and take cute photos.

She recalled the time when it was beginning to grow dark and they were all heading home, Jungwon being the gentleman he is, offered to walk her home and gave her his jacket to cover her shivering body.

Ellie stayed sat on the bench, waiting for him to arrive so they can feel all those emotions once again, only this time in love. Minutes of waiting turned into hours, the once fresh blue sky had turned a dim colour, the sun slowly setting in the distance.

"Excuse me, miss. We are closing now, you need to leave the park" the security guard informed ellie, as she stayed still, her eyes glossy and a look of disbelief written over her face. There was no way she had been stood up.

"He's going to show up soon, I can't just leave him by himself. He'll be so confused when he turns up and sees no one else here." She stated with a dull tone, her eyes steadied on the ground.

The security guard let out a huff and turned his flashlight on, shining it on Ellie's face. "Look, kid. You've been stood up, just go get home and ask ya mum to make you a warm meal, yeah?" He suggested, his keys jiggling as he pulled up his belt over his round stomach.

Ellie shook her head and pierced her eyes at him. "I haven't been stood up, Jungwon's not like that- he wouldn't do that. He probably just got the times wrong- or he's gone to the wrong amusement park" she insisted, trying to persuade herself more than anyone.

Another sigh escaped the older man's mouth, this obviously wasn't the first time he had to deal with in denial teens. "Then why don't you try and contact this Jungwon guy, but please do it outside of the gates." The man ordered and gently began to pull the girl to stand.

Ellie slowly nodded and walked outside of the park, the flickering street lamp just above her. She dialled the boys contact into her phone and positioned the phone to her ear. "Jungwo-" she began but was cut off by a ding on the other side of the phone.

'Helloo! It's Jungwon, you just missed me. Please leave me a voicemail!'

Ellie let out a sigh and felt her heart clench at the sound of his soothing voice. "Jungwon, it's me Ellie. We were supposed to have a date at the amusement park today, but I guess you forgot or something came up, call me when you have time" she stated before ending the call and letting a single tear fall from her right eye, her hand coming up immediately to wipe it and then coming to tuck into her jean pockets as she began her journey home - all alone, Jungwon not being there to walk her home as usual.

She was completely and utterly alone.

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