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"I can't believe we are travelling to Daejeon just to see some stupid aquarium." Kyujin complained while leaning on her suitcase. Ellie simply shrugged and looked over at the teacher who had out the students into a huddle, ready for her to explain the events of the trip.

"Bus journeys can get hectic, so we have decided that you won't be able to choose your own partners and will choose a piece of paper with a number, find the person who matched your number and head onto the bus." Mrs.Kang explained making everyone groan in annoyance. "Come and choose your paper out of this hat." She told everyone whike holding up a baseball cap.

"If we don't get matching numbers, I will cry." Kyujin whined as the two girls approached Mrs.Kang - Ellie secretly hoping she doesn't get paired with Kyujin, but nodded and agreed nonetheless.

The Byeol girl let out a heavy sigh before dipping her hand into the cap and pulling out a piece of scrunched up paper - revealing her number as '09'. "Ugh, you got nine?" Kyujin scoffed before turning her paper around to show '07'.

Ellie couldn't help but feel relief swarm her body as she stared at the girls paper. "Oh," she awkwardly mumbled, unsure on what else to say. "We should look around for our partners." She suggested and separated from the older girl - a weight being lifted off her shoulders.

Nerves piled up inside her stomach, she was always so afraid to talk and approach new people, so deep down she was hoping that her partner would be at least someone she actually knew.
"What's your number?" A deep voice spoke from beside her as she felt someone tap her shoulder, making her turn around.

The boy had a long brown mullet and big round doe eyes, his cheeks forming a slight dimples as he smiled - although Ellie found his dimples cute, she knew they couldn't compare to Jungwon's. "Nine, what about you?" She answered and returned the question.

The mullet haired boy rolled his eyes in annoyance before turning his paper to show the number '20'. "I'm Beomgyu, by the way." He introduced himself and held out his hand for the girl to shake - which she almost did, but was interrupted before she could do so.

"el!" Jungwon's voice cut in as he nonchalantly stepped in front of Beomgyu. "Do our numbers match?" He wondered and held his paper out in front of them the wrong way around - Ellie placed her paper beside his and completely forgot about Beomgyu.

"Ok on the count of three we should turn them around and see if we match." Ellie suggested and Jungwon happily nodded, not being able to bite back the smile she caused to grow on his face - popping out his deep dimples.



"One." They both chorused and flipped their paper over, Ellie's eyes widening and a wave of excitement washing over both of their bodies. "Looks like we're partners." Jungwon smirked and scrunched up his paper.

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