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Majority of the year formed a circle around an empty glass sprite bottle.
Kyujin sat directly beside Ellie, their legs crossed as they stared at the popular dark brunette haired girl as she spoke. "So this is how the game works." Wonyoung began and let her eyes wonder around the circle at everyone's reaction.

"We spin the bottle and ever who it lands on gets asked either 'Truth Or Dare' then they will answer and we will give them either a truth or dare to do and they will have to do it, then finally they spinning the bottle again to see who goes next."

Both Ellie and Kyujin exchanged glances before looking down at the bottle. "Who will spin it first?" Jungwon spoke up as he sat across from Ellie in the circle with his legs crossed.

Wonyoung smiled and tilted her head before reaching forward and spinning the glass bottle. "I will." She stated and watched the bottle soon come to a slow stop - landing on Sunoo, who was sitting beside Jungwon.

He nervously gulped and looked around at the beady eyes that were now all on him. "Me..?" He mumbled and Wonyoung nodded with a giggle.

"Sunoo, Truth or dare?" She questioned, cocking her brow as she looked at him with a smirk, loving the effect her game had on people.

Sunoo awkwardly looked around and pulled grey jumper sleeves over his hands. "Truth." He answered after a little while of thinking. Wonyoung leaned back on her hands as she tried to think of something to ask him.

"Are you in love with kyujin?" She asked making a blush creep onto his cheeks. Ellie couldn't help but widen her eyes as a chuckle escaped her lips, she playfully nudged kyujin- who was smiling from ear to ear.

Sunoo looked down at the blue carpet before his eyes met with Kyujin's. "Yes." He truthfully answered, making the group of students go wild. Jungwon looked at his friend in shock and bit back a laugh while nudging the older boys shoulder. Kyujin couldn't help but hide the shyness that shon over her features while Ellie giggled and teasingly raised her brow at the girl.

"Ok, now Someone else spin."wonyoung cut into the commotion and nodded her head towards the bottle, "Liz, why don't you spin?" She asked the blonde girl sitting beside her.

The quiet girls head perked up with widened eyes and flushed cheeks. "Okay.." she muttered before leaning forward and spinning the empty glass bottle, waiting until it landed on someone.

"Beomgyu!" A boy named Jibin announced with excitement, "Truth or Dare?" He questioned, taking over Liz's turn. Beomgyu looked around the circle before shrugging and answering with 'truth' making a few of the students groan with boredom.
"If you could date any girl here, who would it be?"

A smirk crept onto Beomgyu's face as his eyes landed on Ellie as he pretended to think (clearly already having his answer) Jungwon caught sight of this interaction and couldn't help but crane his neck and tense his jaw with annoyance and jealousy.

Everyone was slightly leaned forward, excited to hear his answer - well, everyone except Jungwon. "Byeol Ellie." He bluntly answered, causing the circle to all snap their heads in the girls direction.

Ellie grew red as she looked down at her lap, too shy to look up and meet everyone's beady eyes. "Let's just move on, someone spin." Jungwon interjected and Beomgyu raced forward to spin the bottle.

It spun round and around before finally coming to stop and land on... Ellie! The red haired girl felt her heart pound through her chest, hating the way the bottle facing her made her feel and the way it clammed up her hands. "Truth Or Dare?" Beomgyu asked, smirking as he stared at the embarrassed girl.

"Don't be boring." She heard someone snicker and another person whisper. "Just choose dare."

Ellie nervously gulped and wiped her sweat gathered palms on her jean covered thigh. "I choose dare." She finally answered making everyone smile and 'ooo' at her choice.

Wonyoung tucked her hair behind her ear and sat forward, desperately wanting to give the girl the dare. "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with the next person the bottle lands on."

The whole room broke out with laughter and celebrations. "You do the honours." Minjae spoke out, motioning towards the bottle positioned in front of her.

Ellie awkwardly nodded and spun the bottle, she really didn't want to do the dare. She really didn't want to be stuck in a closest with someone who she hasn't even spoken to. She really didn't want whoever she was with to expect anything from her either.

The bottle spun, and spun, before coming to a stop. Ellie's eyes wondered off of the tip of the bottle and traveled up the person she now had to spend seven minutes with inside a closest. She gulped and couldn't help but blush, the boy doing the same.

He awkwardly fidgeted in his seat and pulled his jumper sleeves over his hands, his fluttering lashes peering up to stare into Ellie's honey eyes.

"Ellie and Jungwon will do the seven minutes in heaven!" Taesan cheered and prodded the boy to stand - Kyujin doing the same the Ellie. The other students began to push the two teens into the large closest, shutting it on them once they were inside.

The atmosphere was awkward and it was almost impossible to see anything due to the dark lighting. His lips hovered in front of nose and top lip, she slowly began to look up at him - just about making out his eyes in the pitch black. "Don't worry, it's just a silly game." His soft voice reassured, "I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want anyway."

Ellie nodded and looked back down, her head now slightly pressed against his chest - causing his breath to hitch and a rosey blush to form on his cheeks, but due to the dark it went unnoticed. "Ellie.." his gently whispered, making her heart skip multiple beats.

She brought her head back up to look at him, her eyes latching onto the sight of his plump glistening lips. For a moment all they could hear was the sound of their own breathing and rabid heartbeats. Jungwon's hand came up to caress Ellie's face, her showing a slight nod for consent.

Jungwon began to lean down, his eyes flickering between her captivating eyes and desirable lips, that were now only inches apart from his own.

Everything was perfect. The silence, the comfort, his touch, her scent, the pace of their rabid heart beats, it was all perfect for their first kiss.

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